Eric Trump’s Wife Goes On LIVE News & Humiliates Herself Within 7 Quick Seconds (VIDEO)


The Trumps love Fox — that much has become obvious in the months and years since Donald Sr. rose to political prominence. The president — even though he has a country to be leading — regularly live tweets Fox broadcasts, peppering those posts in between his attacks on essentially every mainstream media outlet imaginable, outlets that he terms “fake news.”

enemy3 Eric Trump's Wife Goes On LIVE News & Humiliates Herself Within 7 Quick Seconds (VIDEO) Donald Trump Media Politics Top Stories

As the latest installment in the Trumps’ love affair with Fox, Eric Trump’s wife Lara appeared on Fox & Friends recently to comment on the situation surrounding the recent government shutdown.

The government shut down as last Saturday dawned, with Senators unable to come to an agreement that satisfied both parties’ immigration policy aims. Democrats wanted — and still want — protections for Dreamers, while most Republicans remain opposed to any such thing.

During the three day shutdown, Women’s Marches took place around the country, held to coincide with the one year anniversary of Trump’s inauguration and the original Women’s Marches. Lara discussed this to during her recent time on Fox.

Commenting on Democrats’ contention that Trump didn’t help the government avoid staying shutdown, Lara began by commenting:

‘I think it shows how nervous the Democrats are, because Donald Trump is winning for this country, and they know that going into the midterms, coming into 2020, they are going to have such an uphill battle, and I think this is just a distraction technique. It’s all they have to do.’

What planet does she live on?

It really doesn’t take any complex analysis to see that Democrats do not face an uphill battle going into the next elections; just look at the numbers.

Democrats currently have a 7.8 percent lead in generic Congressional ballot polling. That’s not representative of an uphill battle going into the elections that will be held at the end of this year.

generic-lara Eric Trump's Wife Goes On LIVE News & Humiliates Herself Within 7 Quick Seconds (VIDEO) Donald Trump Media Politics Top Stories

She wasn’t finished.

She went on to attack the Women’s March, saying;

‘I was so disappointed to see the Women’s March wasn’t just about women. It was more of a hateful anti-Trump protest, which I think is really sad, because this president has done so much for women.’

Again we can ask the same question — what planet does she live on? Trump, since taking office, has empowered both casual and official sexists, with his ascent to power normalizing his own repugnant behavior and him also ignoring and often seriously undercutting women’s rights.

Remember, the president is the man who was caught on tape bragging about his supposed freedom to sexually assault women because of his social standing. This is the man Lara says “has done so much for women.”

She did have some examples for her claim of her father-in-law having done so much for women, which she offered alongside an absurd dismissal of the concerns of those women and their allies who marched, acting as though any and all opposition to her father-in-law’s presidential administration is irredeemably ridiculous.

She said:

‘He has a woman as the head of the Department of Homeland Security, Education — he had the first woman run a successful presidential campaign with Kellyanne. Women’s unemployment is at a seventeen year low right now, and yet these women out there are so anti-Trump and I don’t even think they know why. They just think that’s the thing to do.’

Even according to her logic, Hillary Clinton should be considered in the same league as Donald Trump when it comes to advancing women’s rights, since she was the first female major party presidential nominee. In reality, of course, Clinton is light years ahead of Trump.

After that interchange, Lara and the Fox hosts ended up discussing more personal matters, including the fact that she and Eric hosted the party on the one year anniversary of Trump’s inauguration last Saturday down in Mar-a-Lago.

Check out the video below.

Featured Image via Screenshot from the Video.