JUST IN: Trump Makes SCOTUS Announcement That Will Make Conservatives Furious


There isn’t a person in this country, and definitely not a woman in this country, who shouldn’t be concerned about Trump getting to pack the Supreme Court with justices who will do his bidding. Should Roe v. Wade be overturned, even pro-life women may be shocked to find they can do nothing if a pregnancy risks both their lives or they’re forced to carry a pregnancy to term that has no chance of survival.

In his weekly address, Trump made comments about this upcoming SCOTUS pick, which will be announced on Monday, that made absolutely no sense.

‘Judges are not supposed to re-write the law, re-invent the Constitution, or substitute their own opinions for the will of the people expressed through their laws. We reject judicial activism and policy-making from the bench.”

‘In choosing a new Justice, I will select someone with impeccable credentials, great intellect, unbiased judgement, and deep reverence for the laws and Constitution of the United States.’

That hasn’t really happened before Trump. Every Supreme Court decision has been based on the justice’s interpretation of the Constitution other than Trump’s travel ban, which would never have passed without Trump’s first SCOTUS pick, Neil Grouch, who made his decision on the side of Trump that specifically disregarded the Constitution’s First Amendment that provides for freedom of religion.

It’s also impossible to accept this claim since Trump so often lies. The candidates he has interviewed so far were selected by a conservative activist group. The justice will be a conservative, which Trump promised his supporters during his campaigns.

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