BREAKING: Trump Head Of Communications Resigns Suddenly While Trump Plays Victim


In an administration with an unprecedented turnover rate, the last thing a Trump White House needs is more departures, especially when those departures seem intrinsically connected to the president’s most outrageous and opposed policy, family separation at the border. If there’s anything the White House needs at this point, it’s outreach with the Latino community, and yet they’re no longer even able to manage that much.

Helen Aguirre Ferré has left her post as head of communications for Hispanic media, according to Univision. Her departure is not without controversy or questions.

‘Her unannounced exit from the White House comes in the midst of the immigration crisis over Trump’s ‘zero tolerance’ policy, but Aguirre Ferré has not publicly expressed any reservations about its impact on immigrant families. In fact, she defended the policy and never gave any sign of her loyalty wavering. At a Latina Leaders Summit in June she said; “I support the President’s efforts in securing the border and I support the President’s efforts in ensuring that the laws are enacted properly.”‘

A former colleague of Ferré’s finds her departure odd considering that she “went beyond her duties to secure her permanency in that office,” but it appears that her time in her post was plagued with issues outside the family separation policy crisis.

‘A Washington-based ethics group also recently named AguirreFerré in a complaint filed with the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) against 10 Trump administration officials for violations of the federal Hatch Act that bars federal employees from using their offices and resources for political purposes.

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) accused the officials of posting tweets that support President Trump as a candidate for the Republican Party in 2020, including use of the campaign slogan ‘Make America Great Again,’ or ‘MAGA.’ Among the 10 officials accused of the same violation: White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and several other deputy press secretaries.’

As if there were no other reason to question the Trump administration’s ability to reach non-white populations in the United States, the departure of both Ferré and the Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Policy and Interagency Coordination, Carlos Díaz-Rosillo, are raising even more questions.

‘The departure of Aguirre Ferré and Díaz-Rosillo in such quick succession has raised questions about the Trump administration’s commitment to serving the Hispanic media. Schlapp told Univision that she will be handling the Spanish-speaking media for the White House “for now.” The White House still doesn’t offer a Spanish-language version of its website 18 months after President Trump took office. The previous two administrations offered Spanish content on the official White House website.’

The current administration, for many Americans, cannot come to a soon enough end. For Latino populations, questions about that end will now go unanswered.

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