Feds Put Sidney Powell Under Investigation For Corruption


Federal prosecutors are investigating fundraising operations tied to Sidney Powell, the right-wing attorney who former President Trump himself once publicly named as a part of his legal team. As The Washington Post explains it, authorities “have demanded the financial records of multiple fundraising organizations launched by attorney Sidney Powell after the 2020 election as part of a criminal investigation, according to a subpoena” examined by the publication. Exact criminal offenses that may have unfolded were not immediately clear, but issues include the fact that money came in from donors before Powell’s organization that was supposedly receiving it — Defending the Republic — was even incorporated.

As summarized by the Post, the subpoena was issued in September and “sought communications and other records related to fundraising and accounting by groups including Defending the Republic, a Texas-based organization claiming 501(c) 4 nonprofit status, and a PAC by the same name.” Records have been demanded stretching back to early November of last year.

Among other examples of what could be under investigation, Powell asked for donations on the Fox program hosted by Lou Dobbs all the way back on November 10 — but the incorporation of Defending the Republic only happened on December 1, even though she tied that earlier request for donations to the entity. Brandon Johnson, who the Post characterizes as an authorized representative of the group, said that as for donations provided prior to the business’s incorporation, he didn’t “know where they went, but they did not go to Defending the Republic.”

Powell and Defending the Republic have been closely involved in efforts to undercut the outcome of last year’s presidential election. For instance, Defending the Republic provided over half a million dollars in financial support for the GOP-backed election audit that concluded not too long ago in Maricopa County, Arizona — so the organization is clearly dealing with a lot of money, which potentially raises the stakes of the criminal probe targeting it.

Defending the Republic recently paid a $10,000 fine to Florida state authorities for offenses including the obtaining of donations under “deception, false pretense, misrepresentation, or false promise.” Dominion Voting Systems — the voting technology company that is currently suing Powell over her false claims about the firm’s role in non-existent election meddling — stated in a court filing earlier this year, in reference to Defending the Republic, that she “treated the entity’s funds as her personal funds, redirecting them to the law firm she controls and dominates and raiding them to pay for her personal legal defense.” Powell herself stated that Defending the Republic was “working to help defend all these cases and to defend me now that I’m under a massive attack from the attorney general of Michigan and the city of Detroit and everything else.” Read more at this link.