BREAKING: Trump Names Campaign Manager For 2020 Election; Get Your Barf Bags


In 2016, Donald Trump boasted that he had “the best people” running his campaign. Three different campaign managers later, Trump landed in the White House and in hot water thanks to the “best people” and their questionable actions and tactics.

On Tuesday, White House insiders told reporters that Trump has named his new campaign manager for his 2020 presidential run, and the questions already surrounding that choice before the president ever mentioned his name make the decision a rather confusing one.

CBS News described his role in the 2016 elections during a piece on his success in social media:

‘He was hired to run the digital team, but over time came to oversee advertising, data collection and much of the fund-raising. As digital director, he’s being drawn into the   investigation of whether the campaign colluded with the Russians in the election. It’s a charge he denies. He says he was focused on competing with the Clinton campaign’s huge advantage in money and TV ads. What he decided to do was turn to social media, most importantly to Facebook.’

Social media ad campaigns are at the heart of the Trump/Russia collusion story, making Parscale an odd choice to focus on, indeed.

According to CNN:

‘Parscale has repeatedly insisted he had no knowledge of the Russian operation to influence the 2016 campaign in favor of Trump, and against Clinton. He says that is what he told congressional investigators behind closed doors last year when he went before the Senate and House intelligence committees looking into Russian meddling.
‘Yet Parscale has gotten caught up in controversial actions Cambridge Analytica, a prominent conservative data firm that he hired to work for the Trump campaign.’
It was Cambridge Analytica’s CEO, Alexander Nix, who admits to having tried to reach out to Julian Assange in order to “help take better political advantage of the hacked Clinton emails,” despite the fact that those emails were illegally obtained. Parscale insists he had no knowledge of this and only brought Cambridge Analytica in because he wanted to hire a digital expert who worked there on the campaign. As a result of all of this, Parscale has already been forced to testify in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

When a president is under fire for alleged collusion with a hostile foreign government to steal an election by flooding social media with false and defamatory information against his political opponent, a large part of which was illegally hacked from DNC servers, why would that president then hire the man at the center of that story to run his next campaign?
Because the president is Donald Trump, that’s why.
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