Mike Huckabee Goes Off The Deep End, Calls On Police To Raid The FBI


The only thing more frightening than the idea that former Governor Mike Huckabee once held power over the government of the state of Arkansas is the idea that his daughter is now the voice of the man who sits in the highest office in the land.

After Fox News allowed former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich to compare the lawful raid of attorney Michael Cohen’s business office and hotel room to Germany’s Gestapo, their contributor and former politician Mike Huckabee went even a step further in the stream of outraged rants over the execution of that warrant, ordered by the southern district of New York and carried out by the FBI with the approval of Trump-appointed FBI Director Christopher Wray.

Continuing an unending quest for documents from the FBI to prove their case for justifying firing everyone involved in the investigation into the alleged collusion between the Trump 2016 presidential campaign and Russian government operatives, Huckabee called on GOP lawmakers to require police officers to raid the offices of the FBI (a government agency that houses some of the world’s most sensitive information) to seize documents he believes the FBI is hiding.

‘Maybe [GOP congressmen] should have gotten the Capitol police to go over to the FBI and conducted the same kind of raid on the FBI that the FBI went and conducted on Michael Cohen, the president’s private attorney.’


Huckabee, who well understands exactly how much influence Fox News has on the president and the president’s base of voters, used his airtime on Fox News to suggest the raid. While discussing a memo that was shown to House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes that Republicans now want released to Congress, Huckabee had an idea on how that memo could be obtained.

’14 months is a ridiculous amount of time for Congress to get what it has a constitutional right to see. And every member on that committee has the highest level of security clearance. This nonsense that “well we have to redact it, we can’t let you see it” — Bill, that’s utter nonsense. Maybe they should have gotten the Capitol police to go over to the FBI and conducted the same kind of raid on the FBI that the FBI went and conducted on Michael Cohen, the president’s private attorney. This is absurd. And it really does point to a constitutional crisis. I keep hearing that term. But when you have a federal agency that will not respond to the duly elected members of Congress and cough up documents they’re entitled to see, that is a constitutional crisis.’

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