Trump Holds Press Conference & Humiliates Himself In Front Of America (VIDEO)


Donald Trump spoke at a press conference for the first time since the Southern New York attorney general sent FBI agents to raid the president’s personal attorney’s office and temporary home. Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzō Abe has been visiting our commander-in-chief at Mar-a-Lago. When the two men appeared before the cameras, naturally the press wanted to know if Trump was going to fire the special counselor and deputy attorney general.

The first reporter asked Trump whether he would fire Special Counselor Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rob Rosenstein via live YouTube. He responded that there was no “collusion:”

‘The Mueller probe is not worth the fallout. There was fallout, no collusion (according to) the House Intelligence Committee:’

Regarding Mueller and Rosenstein, he said:

‘They’re still here. They’ve been saying (that) I’m going to get rid of them over three months, four months, five months. We need to get over with that.’

Then, the president went on to blame the Democrats as “obstructionists:”

‘The Democrats, or obstructionists or as I call them…It was a hoax created largely by Democrats to soften their loss.’

Trump went on to bring up the Hillary Clinton’s campaign:

‘This is where it came from. Podesta (Clinton’s campaign chairman) had a company in Russia. The DNC server was never gotten by the FBI. Nobody has ever been more transparent (than Trump). I believe we’ve given 1.4 million documents. This is a very, very bad thing for our country. They won’t find any collusion.’

Screen-Shot-2018-04-18-at-6.38.11-PM Trump Holds Press Conference & Humiliates Himself In Front Of America (VIDEO) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Politics Russia Top Stories

Then, 45 continued, trash-talking the media over the strikes against Syria, saying “with the media it’s never enough:”

‘Nobody is tougher than me, with media it’s never enough. We had a strike with absolute precisions…If we get along with Russia, with China, with Japan, and other nations, that’s a good thing. That’s good, not bad.’

The president was asked about the TPP treaty, where he withdrew. He responded:

‘We have a massive trade deficit with Japan. We come to a new deal with steel and aluminum, right now we have a $69 billion deficit. I don’t want to  go back to TPP. If they offer us a deal we can’t refuse, I might. (But) I like bi-lateral trade deals.’

Screen-Shot-2018-04-18-at-6.38.27-PM Trump Holds Press Conference & Humiliates Himself In Front Of America (VIDEO) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Politics Russia Top Stories

The two men also talked about a nuclear-free world and the Japanese and Americans citizens abducted by North Korea. Trump said:

‘We’re doing our very best…have come a long way. For many years, it should have ben taken care of by previous administrations.’

Prime Minister Abe smothered the president in compliments and spoke repeatedly of “free and fair trade.”

Featured Image via Getty Images.