JUST IN: Brave Veterans Group Responds To Trump’s Inappropriate Memorial Day Tweets


Donald Trump and the GOP love to paint themselves as the true patriots with the most concern and respect for our military. Trump has made lofty promises to veterans despite his disgusting comments on those who have dared to criticize him.

One group that has been consistently outspoken in their criticism for the president is VoteVets, a group who works actively to help more progressive veterans running for political offices. Banned from Trump’s Twitter account since June 2017, but they still had a strong reaction to what they saw posted online about tweets from the president.

So far, Trump has spent his day performing the requisite duties of a commander-in-chief by visiting Arlington Cemetery and speaking to the military. His personal Twitter account featured Memorial Day wishes to the veterans and active members of the military, but his daily ritual of ranting against Democrats, Sally Yates, President Obama, #SpyGate, and the unfairness of the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into the alleged collusion between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russian government operatives still showed up between the messages to the soldiers.

Screenshot-at-May-28-15-54-50 JUST IN: Brave Veterans Group Responds To Trump's Inappropriate Memorial Day Tweets Donald Trump Featured Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-at-May-28-15-55-08 JUST IN: Brave Veterans Group Responds To Trump's Inappropriate Memorial Day Tweets Donald Trump Featured Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-at-May-28-15-55-25 JUST IN: Brave Veterans Group Responds To Trump's Inappropriate Memorial Day Tweets Donald Trump Featured Politics Social Media Top Stories

Members of VoteVets were not only incensed by Trump’s inability to focus on fallen soldiers on the one day dedicated to honoring them, but that he turned his entire early morning message to the veterans into a “look how great I am” bragging tweet.

One military member whose father died in battle was angered about Trump’s ignorance in wishing anyone a “happy” Memorial Day, and another told The NY Post that it was Trump’s self-aborbtion that bothered him most.

‘He always makes it about himself. He’s always doing that. He’ll tweet something that should be a nice, but then make it about him.’

What else does anyone expect, though, from a draft dodger who insisted that John McCain wasn’t a hero for being a prisoner of war and trashed a gold star family for criticizing him during the campaigns?

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