Roseanne Rants On Twitter All Night About Cast Members Throwing Her ‘Under The Bus’


On Tuesday, Roseanne dug her own hole by tweeting racist statements about Valerie Jarrett. In the wee hours of Wednesday morning, it became clear that she isn’t just racist, she may also be unhinged.

Throughout the night, the former TV sitcom mom tweeted and retweeted several dozen things. Some of the tweets were apologetic, one blamed Ambien for her racist tweet, but she told her Twitter followers not to defend her because she knew she was wrong. Many of the retweets were from people defending her. She even retweeted several posts reinforcing the statements that got her show cancelled from followers who agreed with her racist jokes about Jarrett and defending calling a Jewish man who fled Nazi Germany with his parents when he was 14 years old a “Nazi sympathizer.”

It was tweets from her fellow cast members, however, that really seemed to stir up the crazy in her. Her onscreen son, Michael Fishman who plays D.J. Connor, got a scathing response.

Her onscreen daughter, Sara Gilbert who plays Darlene Connor, was retweeted with the same kind of criticism.

Regardless of Barr’s anger, she has no one to blame but herself. Whether or not her cast mates had any idea about her disgusting racist views, each of them would like to work again now that the show is cancelled. Hopefully, none of them share her views. Unlike Roseanne, however, they at least recognize how damaging and ignorant she is.

Clearly, Barr needs to be medicated with more than Ambien.

Featured image via Getty/Paula Lobo