Trump Adds Cruel Stipulation For Immigrants Asking For Kids Back & It Is Mind Blowing


As if it wasn’t enough that the Trump administration thought it was okay to use children as pawns to coerce lawmakers to sign on to their cruel, racist immigration agenda, now they’re willing to use them to barter with parents seeking asylum to sign voluntary deportation agreements in order to get their children back.

This would mean forcing parents to make a choice between giving up their children to keep them safe or take them back to countries where they face poverty and violence. The parents are being told that once they sign the voluntary paperwork, their children will be returned to them at the airport. Anyone familiar with this presidential administration knows that believing anything they say is dangerous, so once that paperwork is signed, there’s no guarantee that the promises they’ve been made will be fulfilled at all.

Speaking to The Texas Tribune, one detainee explained the decision he was forced to make under duress.

‘The 24-year-old detainee, who spoke on the condition of anonymity and requested the Tribune use the pseudonym Carlos because he feared retaliation, told the Tribune that he abandoned his asylum case and agreed to sign voluntary deportation paperwork Friday out of “desperation” to see his 6-year-old daughter, who was separated from him after the pair illegally crossed the border in late May. The man said two federal officials suggested he’d be reunited with his daughter at the airport if he agreed to sign the order, which could lead to him being repatriated to his violence-torn home country in less than two weeks.’

Trump is prepared to violate the U.S. Constitution in order to deny undocumented immigrants who have been detained the right to a fair trial before a judge in order to make their case for asylum. In case anyone is unaware, seeking asylum is an attempt to go “through the system legally” while protecting the children they’ve risked so much to save.

Nothing about this is tolerable and nothing about it is humane. Until the administration that has been inflicted on America is out of office, these human rights abuses will continue.

Featured image via Getty/Bloomberg