Trump Supporters Plan Another Wild Boycott & This One Is Hilarious – Donald Is Livid


If every protest planned by Trump supporters had worked the way they wanted them to, Starbucks would’ve gone out of business years ago and the wildly successful Broadway play Hamilton would be playing to empty theaters. Of course, neither of those things have happened.

Now, Trumpsters are planning to boycott the largest employer in the country, Wal-Mart. Although none of them complained or found it treasonous when the retailer sold “Impeach Obama” or “Hillary for Prison” t-shirts, their new “Impeach 45” shirts and baby clothing have the right in an uproar.

Ryan Fournier, chairman of Students for Trump, whipped up outrage when he discovered the items for sale.

Fox News picked up the story and report that a Wal-Mart spokesperson has already agreed that the company is “removing these types of items pending review of our marketplace policies.”

It’s funny that those policies weren’t reviewed prior to when shirts calling to jail a presidential candidate convicted of no crimes were offered for sale, or when threatening messages on shirts saying “ROPE. A TREE. A JOURNALIST. SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED” were sold. A letter from the group Radio Television Digital News Association convinced the company to remove the disgusting apparel from their site.

‘As a fierce proponent of the First Amendment that is politically nonpartisan, we recognize Walmart’s right to sell the T-Shirts, and the right of consumers to purchase and wear them. However, just because Walmart has the right to sell the shirts, that doesn’t mean it is the right thing to do.’

Other boycotted companies by Trump supporters have included Keurig, Amazon, Kellogg, and Target. All of those businesses have survived without them.

Featured image via Getty/Scott Olson