Donald Trump headed out on his trip to NATO, Great Britain, and to visit privately with his role model Russia’s Vladimir Putin. To say that our allies in the European Union are worried about Trump’s disdain for America’s allies and his hero worshiping of Putin is a strong understatement. Now we hear this.
The European Council President Donald Tusk pointedly told Trump to remember who the U.S.’s friends are, according to the Associated Press:
‘It is always worth knowing who is your strategic friend and who is your strategic problem.’
The man sitting in the Oval Office tweeted his disdain for our vital friends:
‘NATO countries must pay MORE, the United States must pay LESS. Very Unfair!’
Tusk continued, saying that the president does not have “a better ally than Europe:”
‘America does not have and will not have a better ally than Europe today. Europeans spend on defense many times more than Russia and as much as China and I think you can have no doubt, Mr. President, that this is an investment in common American and European defense and security which cannot be said with confidence about Russian or Chinese spending.’
Then, the EU official said “please remember:”
‘Mr. President, please remember about this tomorrow when we meet at the NATO summit. But above all when you meet President Putin in Helsinki (on July 16).’
Tusk criticized POTUS as he signed a “joint EU-NATO declaration”of alliance with Secretary-General Jens Stoltengerg.
Trump has already withdrawn from the global climate agreement and the Iran nuclear deal. Then, he imposed foolish tariffs on our allies.
Apparently, he forgot or never knew that 870 European troops died in Afghanistan, including 40 from Poland.
Tusk reminded the president of these United States:
‘Dear America, appreciate your allies, after all you don’t have all that many.’
The twitter world went crazy. Check out some of our favorite tweets below:
Featured Image via Getty Images/Mandel Ngan.