Mueller Just Named A New Person Of Interest That Has The Donald All Up In His Feels


Considering that Donald Trump and the people involved in his 2016 presidential campaign continue to insist that there was no collusion with Russia, it’s odd that they keep lying about their contacts with Russia. Some of them have even lied to the FBI and are now facing federal charges because of it. Jeff Sessions lied to Congress and yet still serves as the highest law enforcement officer in the country.

Roger Stone, a former Trump advisor and longtime friend, also lied to Congress. It doesn’t appear that he’s going to get away with it, though.

CNN reports that Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Russian government operatives, is continuing to probe Stone as the case goes on.

‘At least five prosecutors from Mueller’s office and two attorneys representing Andrew Miller, a former Roger Stone associate, spent almost 90 minutes in a sealed court proceeding before Chief Judge Beryl Howell of the DC District Court Wednesday morning.

‘The courtroom activity was not open to the public, but Miller’s attorneys previously told CNN they were challenging requests for Miller to provide information to Mueller’s grand jury. Their public statements about a challenge to Mueller came before investigators indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers, and Stone surfaced as a person in contact with them during the campaign. Stone was not charged in the Russian hacking indictment Friday.’

Although Stone has not yet been charged with any crime, it is widely believed that he was the American citizen who was in regular contact with both the Trump campaign officials and both Wikileaks’ founder Julian Assange and the hackers who illegally broke into DNC servers and the Clinton campaign’s servers for disparaging emails.

Like Trump, Stone continues to maintain his innocence and called his exchanges with the Russian-linked hackers “benign.” He also, like Trump, maintains that it is “unproven” that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections.

Like Trump, Roger Stone will face the music on his lies.

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