Food Stamp Frannie Goes Batsh*t On Black Woman At Grocery Store – Regrets It Instantly


U.S. President Donald Trump’s rise to power has been accompanied by an increased awareness of ugly racism in the United States. He has built such racism into his policy platform, promising to ban the adherents of an entire religion from entering the United States, to deport millions of people, and to build a wall along the U.S./Mexico border, among other atrocities.

His adherents take his messaging to heart. In an interaction caught on camera, a not immediately identified white woman touted Trump’s proposal for a border wall when dealing with an African American woman.

The Trump supporter thought the African American woman was selling food stamps of hers; whether she actually was is not immediately clear.

After the Trump shill confronted her about what she’d supposedly heard during a phone conversation, she said:

‘We’re gonna build this wall; we’re gonna build this wall.’

Watch the video below.

It’s as if the flustered white woman uses the idea of the wall as some kind of security blanket, despite the fact that it’s not immediately clear how it’s at all relevant to the situation captured on camera. There’s no reason to believe that the African American woman was not born in the United States, although that could — in theory — be the suggestion the Trump supporter was getting at. Even still, that’s probably giving the woman way too much credit; it’s not as though those who make their way into the United States over the southern border are generally as dark skinned as the woman in the store was.

Trump has promised a border wall for some time, but it hasn’t materialized, although he’s still pushing for it. His administration has requested billions of dollars for border security when Congress doles out new rounds of government funding later this year, although whether the administration will actually get that much money remains to be seen. Trump has insisted he’s willing to refuse to sign a spending bill if it doesn’t include the border security provisions he wants.

In the meantime, he has claimed at times that construction of his promised border wall is already underway, but, quite simply, it’s not. 7 miles of border fencing has been updated in the past year according to Customs and Border Patrol, but that’s not a massive stone wall like Trump has promised. The updates are not symbols of his wall actually being constructed, although Trump claims they are anyway and continues to feed the delusions of individuals like the white woman whose comments were captured in the above video.

He buttresses his push for a wall with outlandish statements ranging from his false assertion that Mexico will someday pay for it to his assertion that undocumented immigrants — and immigrants in general — pose some kind of threat to American and Western civilization.

Meanwhile, back here on planet earth, the president’s supporters continue to peddle their everyday racism. One prominent example is a recent incident of an elderly man from Mexico being beaten with a brick and told to go back to his country, but there are more examples available.

Featured Image via Screenshot from the Video