Trump Tries Reverse Psychology On Stupid Americans, Gets Mocked So Hard Putin Felt It


It’s amazing how often Donald Trump tells obvious lies and his supporters continue to accept and even promote those lies as truth. While the lies have ranged from poll numbers to the involvement of Ted Cruz’s father in the assassination of President Kennedy to his nonexistent “achievements,” some of his most dangerous lies come when he speaks about Russia and their interference in U.S. democratic elections.

Screenshot-at-Jul-24-11-54-18 Trump Tries Reverse Psychology On Stupid Americans, Gets Mocked So Hard Putin Felt It Donald Trump Featured Politics Russia Social Media Top Stories

Recent polls are predicting that the expected “blue wave” in November’s elections are looking more and more like a reality, Trump is trying to set up a conspiracy theory to explain that trend ahead of the elections, just as he promised to challenge the election results in 2016 if he lost to Hillary Clinton. Trump even told his supporters that if polls showed his leading ahead of the election and he lost anyway, they’d know the election was “rigged,” yet he’s never questioned why Clinton was very much ahead in the polls during the run-up to the 2016 presidential election but lost to Trump.

His supporters will undoubtably believe him and take his words as gospel truth, most of them will ignore the direct words of Russian President Vladimir Putin when asked if he supported Trump in the 2016 elections. Putin confirmed that he did. While Trump may claim after widespread backlash that he holds Putin directly responsible for the 2016 election interference, it seems that Putin’s own confirmation that he wanted Trump to become the U.S. president fell on deaf ears.

Trump’s attempts at reverse psychology was met with derision and disbelief on Twitter. See some of the comments on Trump’s tweet below:

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