Trump Erases All Trump/Putin Summit Questions From Official White House Transcripts


On Rachel Maddow’s Tuesday night show, she revealed an explosive discovery on the official White House transcript of Trump’s press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin. What is even more alarming is that the same discovery can be found on the official Kremlin website.

Intentional lies by either president are nothing new and follow the strategies employed by both on a regular basis. Their coordination on this particular lie, however, is disturbing.

Here is video of one of the most significant questions and answers from that press conference.

What is clearly heard on the video despite a translator still speaking when the question was asked is this exchange:

Reuters reporter: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

Putin: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S.-Russia relationship back to normal.

The answer from Putin clearly exposes Russian government officials intentions to aid Trump’s presidential campaign. However, on the official White House website, this is the transcript that is posted online.

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The question from the Reuters reporter is edited. Instead of the question about Putin’s support of Trump, the question as written indicates that Putin was answering a different question related to his preceding comments.

Here’s where the story becomes even more disturbing. On the official Kremlin website, a similar omission can be found.

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In the Russian transcript, both the question and answer are omitted. Putin’s confirmation of his desire to help Trump win, according to official records from both the White House and the Kremlin, never happened.

Featured image via Twitter by @maddowblog