BREAKING: Kavanaugh Hearing Falls Apart Instantly As Protesters & Dems Raise Hell


There is absolutely no justice in an accused criminal being allowed to choose his own judges. As long as President Donald Trump is an unindicted coconspirator under investigation for federal crimes, the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh should not be confirmed.

Protesters at the confirmation hearing made their voices heard. Some dressed in costumes from The Handmaid’s Tale, some were arrested, but all showed up to speak out against Kavanaugh or any other nominee from President Trump to the Supreme Court.

President Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court to fill the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat, Merrick Garland, was blocked by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell during his final year in office because McConnell said that the people had the right to have their voices heard in the 2016 presidential election before another justice was seated.

The people certainly deserve to have their voices heard today, as well, but they’re being dragged out of a hearing and arrested for protesting the appointment of a justice to a Supreme Court that is supposed to represent them and their wishes. A majority of people in this country did not vote for Donald Trump, neither did they choose to have him appoint justices to the highest court in the land.

Republicans, however, has pushed it through. They’ve rushed his hearing without all of the legally requested documents and information needed to make a judgment. They have forced a vote on ill-prepared senators and on the majority of American citizens who do not want it done.

So much for “of the people, for the people, by the people,” right?

Featured image screengrab via Twitter