Joe Biden Just Urged Everyone To Vote By Bashing The Hell Out Of Trump


Former vice president Joe Biden has been on the campaign trail urging people to come out and vote. He knows how important each vote will be in so many excrutiatingly close elections, especially with Donald Trump ginning up his voter base with huge helpings of fear. The contrast between Biden and Trump has been stark, and here is why.

At Biden’s Cheyenne Saloon rally, he referred to The Washington Post article headlines “Trump and Republicans settle on fear — and falsehoods — as a midterm strategy,” according to CNN:

‘No president has ever led by fear. Not Lincoln. Not Roosevelt. Not Kennedy. Not Reagan. This president is more like George Wallace than George Washington! Democrats have to choose hope over fear, unity over division. We have to choose our allies over our enemies. We have to choose truth over lies. We have to choose a brighter future for Americans over this desperate grip of the darkest elements of our past in our society.’

Screen-Shot-2018-10-24-at-9.14.18-AM Joe Biden Just Urged Everyone To Vote By Bashing The Hell Out Of Trump Corruption Donald Trump Election 2018 Election 2020 Healthcare Humanitarian Immigration Politics Top Stories

The former VP has been campaigning in Florida for several Democratic candidates, including Senator Bill Nelson, who is in a very tight race, and the outstanding man who has been running for governor, Andrew Gillum.

A number of Democrats have been campaigning for their fellow party members. Some of them have also used the opportunity to get name recognition in front of the 2020 presidential election.

People like Biden and want him to run in 2020, too. After all, he is in the same age group as Trump, and the crowds have met him with great enthusiasm.

The former VP spoke to a large gathering of people in Orlando while he was stumping for Nelson, Gillum, and others. The crowd kept interrupting him with calls for him to run in 2020. He smiled and answered:

‘This is about Bill (Nelson), not about me! My dad used to have an expression. He said “Joey, don’t compare me to the almighty, compare me to the alternative.”‘

Later the former vice president said modestly:

‘The only reason I look good is because of the alternative.’

Joe Biden has been particularly critical of the commander-in-chief’s unreasonable attacks on the so-called caravan of people fleeing from certain death in some cases and dire poverty in others. Trump has been particularly ugly about these people.

After his Jacksonville rally, Uncle Joe commented about the caravan. Thousands of the travelers have peeled off to stay in Mexico. The rest can only travel 20 miles on foot each day. Biden said:

‘The caravan is 2,000 miles away. He’s making it sound like they’re breaking through the border. This is hysteria on his part. ‘

The man sitting in the Oval Office tried to stoke his voters’ fears by saying he would declare a “national emergency” when the immigrants reached the U.S. border. He also made up out of thin air that “unknown Middle Easterners” had embedded themselves into the moving crowd of people.

Trump spoke to reporters for a few minutes at the White House. When they asked if he was using fear to get people to vote, he replied with a straight face:

‘No, not at all. I’m a very non-political person. And that’s why I got elected president.’

Next, the press called for proof that the so-called caravan of asylum seekers escaping certain death in some cases and dire poverty in others did, indeed, contain Middle Eastern people. The president responded:

‘There’s no proof of anything. There could very well be. There’s no proof of anything. There’s no proof of anything but they could very well be.’

Featured image is a screenshot via YouTube.