JUST IN: 13th and 14th Pipe Bomb Packages Found (DETAILS)


As a suspect from Florida sits in custody under questioning by federal authorities, more suspicious packages that may be linked to his short reign of domestic terror over Democratic lawmakers and supporters.

The 13th package to be discovered was sent to Sen. Kamala Harris and was intercepted in Sacramento. The 14th was sent to billionaire Democratic donor and ally Tom Steyer.

The Daily Beast reports:

‘Authorities in Sacramento, California, have confirmed that a suspicious package addressed to Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) appears similar to the 12 others that contained pipe bombs. The contents of Harris’ package have not yet been disclosed. CNN also reports authorities are investigating a similar “suspicious package” intercepted in California and addressed to billionaire Democratic donor Tom Steyer. On Friday morning, police arrested a suspect in Florida in connection with the pipe bombs that were sent to 12 other prominent Democratic leaders and outspoken Trump critics.’

At this time, there are many (mostly fake) theories about the political leanings of the domestic terrorist who allegedly mailed the potentially deadly packages, but his social media accounts indicate that he was an avid Trump supporter and conspiracy theory fan.

Screenshot-at-Oct-26-14-37-00 JUST IN: 13th and 14th Pipe Bomb Packages Found (DETAILS) Crime Featured Politics Top Stories

Previous packages had been sent to liberal donor George Soros, Presidents Obama and Clinton, two to Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), two to Vice President Joe Biden, Cory Booker, John Brennan at the offices of CNN, James Clapper, Eric Holder, and Robert DeNiro.

President Trump, meanwhile, continues to vacillate between complaining that the bombs were just a hoax and taking credit for the quick response while calling for “unity” right before chanting “lock ’em up” along with his supporters.

With no moral leadership in the White House, Americans are counting on the FBI to ensure that the terrorist can do no more damage and the rest of Washington, D.C. to provide guidance.

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