Trump Stops On W.H. Lawn & Erupts Into Friday Jim Acosta/Mueller Mental Collapse


Another day, another slew of controversies facing the president. Leave it to this president, however, to lie and berate others in order to cover up his own failures. From his new acting AG to Michelle Obama and Jim Acosta, Trump covered it all and it was just as insane as ever.

He answered questions about his acting AG, Matthew Whitaker, by saying he doesn’t know the man, but had heard he was highly respected. Several times, Trump insisted he doesn’t know Whitaker, despite reports to the contrary.

According to The New York Times:

‘He has frequently visited the Oval Office and is said to have an easy chemistry with Mr. Trump. On Monday morning, Mr. Trump himself called Mr. Whitaker, not with an explicit job offer but a reassurance that he has faith in him.’

He continued to insist that shady election practices are happening in Florida, and said that Democrats are also manipulating the votes in Arizona, where Kyrsten Sinema has pulled out a lead. Trump seems to have no hesitation in riling up dangerous anger in Florida or Arizona supporters who will be sure to take Trump at his word that they’re being cheated out of a Republican leader.

He called April Ryan a loser and said that reports that his press secretary had released doctored video of the exchange between Jim Acosta and a White House aide were “ridiculous.” He berated other reporters, telling one that she always “asks stupid questions.” It was less a press conference and more like intense coverage of a Trump tantrum.

He was petulant, argumentative, and performing in pure Trump style, childlike and combative.

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