BREAKING: Broward County Submits Votes Two Mins Late – All Hell Breaks Loose


The ongoing saga of the midterm elections in Florida continues with no winners yet called. After days of Democrats calling for a fair election in which every vote is counted and Republicans screaming “fraud” because their candidate was ahead on election night and they want the vote called that way, a new announcement came on Thursday.

Broward County election officials said on Thursday that they submitted their recount numbers two minutes late for the deadline. Because of that, not one of the millions of votes from the people of Broward County are not being counted.

While Florida will move now to a hand recount since the margin between candidates remains under 0.25 percent for both the Senate and Department of Agriculture, but Broward County’s vote for governor will not be counted. Instead, their numbers will include only the unofficial total submitted on Saturday night.

NBC Miami reports that:

‘That means all of the recount efforts over the past five days were thrown out. Elections worker Joe D’Alessandro told the canvassing board the delay was due to his “unfamiliarity with the website” used to upload the results.

‘”We uploaded to the state two minutes late so the state has chosen not to use our machine recount results and they are going to use the first unofficial results as our second unofficial results,” D’Alessandro said.’

This disenfranchisement of voters includes active-duty military members, all of whom had to vote by mail. It also includes the disabled and homebound elderly as well as anyone who voted provisionally or by mail for other reasons.