Report Reveals Real Reason Trump Is Worried About Trump Jr. Indictment


Now that the midterm elections are over, President Donald Trump has other concerns to face — like the still very much ongoing Russia investigation. Special Counsel Robert Mueller has not stopped his work no matter how diligently Trump has tried to put up roadblocks. Now, the president is staring at a looming possible associated indictment of his son Donald Trump Jr., and reporter Emily Jane Fox says he’s worried he could be next.

As she put it during an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe:

‘I will say that, from people who have known the president well, who know the family well, it’s not necessarily concern for the fate of his child or because he’s concerned about the fate of his child. He’s concerned that if Don Jr. is indicted that it could perhaps have implications on him.’

Watch below.

Donald Jr. has been reported just recently to have expressed concern to friends he could be indicted for crimes including perjury.

The president himself did entangle himself with that perjury, helping his son’s efforts to conceal the nature of his 2016 meeting with Kremlin lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya at Trump Tower in New York. Trump Jr. took that meeting — alongside then-campaign manager Paul Manafort and Trump son-in-law turned adviser Jared Kushner — with the understanding that he’d be provided Russian government dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Trump Jr. has claimed he never got anything actionable, so to him, that makes the whole situation inconsequential. However — it’s collusion, whether or not anyone in Trump’s world ever gets held legally liable for it.

The president has certainly firmly entrenched himself in his position that there was no collusion and the whole investigation is a “witch hunt.”

Just last week, he ranted:

‘The inner workings of the Mueller investigation are a total mess. They have found no collusion and have gone absolutely nuts… A TOTAL WITCH HUNT LIKE NO OTHER IN AMERICAN HISTORY! Universities will someday study what highly conflicted (and NOT Senate approved) Bob Mueller and his gang of Democrat thugs have done to destroy people. Why is he protecting Crooked Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Lisa Page & her lover, Peter S, and all of his friends on the other side?

Screenshot-2018-11-19-at-9.47.05-AM Report Reveals Real Reason Trump Is Worried About Trump Jr. Indictment Donald Trump Politics Top Stories Screenshot-2018-11-19-at-9.47.14-AM Report Reveals Real Reason Trump Is Worried About Trump Jr. Indictment Donald Trump Politics Top Stories Screenshot-2018-11-19-at-9.47.22-AM Report Reveals Real Reason Trump Is Worried About Trump Jr. Indictment Donald Trump Politics Top Stories

Mueller isn’t protecting anyone. Trump has claimed that the Democrats colluded with Russia against him, but the evidence of their alleged participation in a scheme run by a foreign power to tip the balance of domestic political affairs just isn’t there, while it remains glaring in the case of the Trump team.

Trump still holds to his “it’s a witch hunt!” line despite this evidence, which has culminated in four of his former associates pleading guilty, although their charges don’t directly and formally condemn the Trump campaign for collusion.

Still, it’s not as though Michael Cohen had to formally state Donald Trump’s name in court for everyone to know exactly who he was implicating in his campaign finance law violations.

Similarly, guilty pleas from four former associates and counting don’t exactly leave room for guessing as to the nature of the team they were involved with — and its leader.

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