Trump Tweets Monday Afternoon Madness During Apparent Mental Breakdown


President Donald Trump relentlessly proves again and again that he wishes the world would fall at his feet. It’s as if he thought becoming president of the United States meant becoming dictator of the world or something.

This Monday, he took to Twitter to complain about CNN — again — this time suggesting that the United States launch a state tv network to compete with it in the international market.

He ranted:

‘While CNN doesn’t do great in the United States based on ratings, outside of the U.S. they have very little competition. Throughout the world, CNN has a powerful voice portraying the United States in an unfair and false way. Something has to be done, including the possibility of the United States starting our own Worldwide Network to show the World the way we really are, GREAT!’

Screenshot-2018-11-26-at-3.54.59-PM Trump Tweets Monday Afternoon Madness During Apparent Mental Breakdown Donald Trump Media Politics Social Media Top Stories

First of all, showing just how incompetent and out of touch he truly is, there’s already a U.S. state media outlet that operates in international markets. The “Voice of America” network is funded by the United States government — and does include video coverage.

Secondly, is his vision of a better tomorrow for the United States seriously dependent on some overly rosy media outlet that only shows the best of the country? Seriously? What is this, North Korea? Trump did literally assert that he’d fallen in love with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, ironically enough.

What, does Trump hope to just cross his fingers, close his eyes, and wish away the problems the world faces?

In the meantime, he has yet again provided no evidence of CNN portraying the subjects of their reporting in an “unfair and false way.” Just like in the U.S., the network pushes important reporting about subjects including but not at all limited to the United States — and they’re not about to stop because an angry guy with a Twitter account wants them too.

Besides, Trump’s already got a whole cable network — Fox — to pad his ego; isn’t that enough?

Check out Twitter replies below.

Screenshot-2018-11-26-at-3.51.23-PM Trump Tweets Monday Afternoon Madness During Apparent Mental Breakdown Donald Trump Media Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2018-11-26-at-3.51.15-PM Trump Tweets Monday Afternoon Madness During Apparent Mental Breakdown Donald Trump Media Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2018-11-26-at-3.50.57-PM Trump Tweets Monday Afternoon Madness During Apparent Mental Breakdown Donald Trump Media Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2018-11-26-at-3.50.42-PM Trump Tweets Monday Afternoon Madness During Apparent Mental Breakdown Donald Trump Media Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2018-11-26-at-3.50.19-PM Trump Tweets Monday Afternoon Madness During Apparent Mental Breakdown Donald Trump Media Politics Social Media Top Stories

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