Trump Tries To Cover Ass On Twitter – Pulls Major Mueller Shenanigans


The web that Donald Trump is trying to weave now that his enormous conflicts of interest have been exposed thanks to his former attorney and longtime “fixer” Michael Cohen’s confession about the Moscow Project, a real estate deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, is becoming more tangled every time Trump talks about it.
Screenshot-at-Nov-30-08-04-10 Trump Tries To Cover Ass On Twitter - Pulls Major Mueller Shenanigans Donald Trump Featured Politics Robert Mueller Russia Social Media Top Stories

Screenshot-at-Nov-30-08-04-28 Trump Tries To Cover Ass On Twitter - Pulls Major Mueller Shenanigans Donald Trump Featured Politics Robert Mueller Russia Social Media Top Stories











Thursday may have been the worst of Trump’s presidency, or at least the worst for him. Not only did his former attorney expose Trump’s lies, the bank where Trump stores and borrows his money was raided on suspicion of money laundering, Trump’s plan to bribe President Vladimir Putin with a $50 million dollar apartment in order to get the Moscow Project approved was exposed, and Trump’s personal tax attorney’s office was raided.

It was a devastating day in Trump World.

While much of Trump’s Friday morning tweet is alarming, his claim that he “talked about [his business dealings] on the campaign trail is just infuriating and another attempt at gaslighting by the liar-in-chief. Trump not only repeatedly insisted during the 2016 presidential campaigns that he had absolutely no business dealings in Russia, he continued that lie well into his presidency.

For reference, Trump said shortly after his inauguration:

‘I have no deals that could happen in Russia, because we’ve stayed away.’

That is absolutely untrue. Trump and everyone involved with his campaign, including Michael Cohen, told not only the American people but the United States Congress that all discussions about business deals in Russia had ended in January 2016 before Trump began a serious run for the presidency in the Iowa caucuses. That was a lie.

Twitter isn’t buying Trump’s new “look how cool I am” story, either. Read some of their comments below:

Screenshot-at-Nov-30-08-07-19 Trump Tries To Cover Ass On Twitter - Pulls Major Mueller Shenanigans Donald Trump Featured Politics Robert Mueller Russia Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-at-Nov-30-08-06-30 Trump Tries To Cover Ass On Twitter - Pulls Major Mueller Shenanigans Donald Trump Featured Politics Robert Mueller Russia Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-at-Nov-30-08-06-02 Trump Tries To Cover Ass On Twitter - Pulls Major Mueller Shenanigans Donald Trump Featured Politics Robert Mueller Russia Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-at-Nov-30-08-05-44 Trump Tries To Cover Ass On Twitter - Pulls Major Mueller Shenanigans Donald Trump Featured Politics Robert Mueller Russia Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-at-Nov-30-08-05-22 Trump Tries To Cover Ass On Twitter - Pulls Major Mueller Shenanigans Donald Trump Featured Politics Robert Mueller Russia Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-at-Nov-30-08-05-02 Trump Tries To Cover Ass On Twitter - Pulls Major Mueller Shenanigans Donald Trump Featured Politics Robert Mueller Russia Social Media Top Stories

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