Trump Weeps Over Coverage Of Him Signing MAGA Hats In Iraq


President Donald Trump has already adamantly campaigned for re-election in two years, and he took the “Re-elect me!” spirit to his first visit with combat zone U.S. troops overseas, which unfolded this past week. As part of the festivities, he signed some Trump memorabilia for soldiers that he met — a move that he adamantly defended before the world this Thursday on Twitter.

He railed:

‘CNN & others within the Fake News Universe were going wild about my signing MAGA hats for our military in Iraq and Germany. If these brave young people ask me to sign their hat, I will sign. Can you imagine my saying NO? We brought or gave NO hats as the Fake News first reported!’

Screenshot-2018-12-27-at-7.02.10-PM Trump Weeps Over Coverage Of Him Signing MAGA Hats In Iraq Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

Members of the media have expressed concern about the president’s behavior in light of the prohibition against members of the military participating in campaign events. The administration has insisted that the president’s surprise post-Christmas visit with troops overseas did not constitute a campaign event in part thanks to that they didn’t bring and distribute any memorabilia. Instead, as indicated, it came from those in attendance.

None of this makes Trump some kind of brave hero sticking up for soldiers who are parched for a presidential autograph. It’s not as big of a deal as he’s making it with his freakout — he’s not that special, and there’s not any immediate indication that the “Fake News Universe” ever even pushed the idea that the White House “brought or gave” hats. They simply questioned the president yet again turning an issue into a spectacle of egomania — this after he took this long into his administration to even visit the troops overseas in the first place.

Screenshot-2018-12-27-at-7.00.37-PM Trump Weeps Over Coverage Of Him Signing MAGA Hats In Iraq Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2018-12-27-at-7.00.12-PM Trump Weeps Over Coverage Of Him Signing MAGA Hats In Iraq Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2018-12-27-at-6.59.48-PM Trump Weeps Over Coverage Of Him Signing MAGA Hats In Iraq Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2018-12-27-at-6.59.23-PM Trump Weeps Over Coverage Of Him Signing MAGA Hats In Iraq Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

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