House Dems Announce Election Security Bills That Have Republicans Worried


For the past several years, the GOP has made moves to make it more difficult for Americans to vote in order to protect the “integrity of our elections” in order to ensure that problem that really doesn’t exist is addressed: voter fraud by undocumented immigrants. These measures were so important in order to keep our elections fair that the poorest among us, disproportionately made up of black and Latino voters, have found themselves unable to vote in elections to determine their own leaders.

So when a majority Democratic House of Representatives proposed a series of bills to protect our election security, it was, of course, the GOP who spoke out against it.

On Friday, Democrats unveiled a sweeping elections security package of bills called the For the People Act that makes it easier for American citizens to vote and understand the conflicts of interest behind those they’re voting for, as well as making it more difficult for foreign governments and bad actors to interfere.

KTLA reports that:

‘The bill, among the first to be considered as Democrats take control of the House after eight years, would make it easier for citizens to register and vote, tighten election security and require presidents to disclose their tax returns.’

Some Republicans have supported pieces of the legislation while, unsurprisingly, the GOP Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), refuses to allow the bill to be taken up by the Senate. Apparently, election security is only important as long as it guarantees a Republican win.

‘While some elements of the bill have bipartisan support, the overall package is unlikely to win approval in the Republican-controlled Senate. Opposition also is expected from President Donald Trump.

‘Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, has pronounced the reform measure dead on arrival in the Senate, a claim Sarbanes embraced as a badge of honor.’

Funding for states that are in need of further election security is included as well as requirements to ensure that all American citizens who want to vote are allowed to do so. One measure, already taken up in states like Florida, would restore a felon’s right to vote after having served their sentence and paid their debt to society. Since the black community is also disproportionately represented among that group, and black voters are overwhelmingly Democrats, many Republicans have resisted that change, as well.

‘The bill would create automatic national voter registration while expanding access to early and online registration. It also would increase federal support for state voter systems, including paper ballots to prevent fraud, and restore voting rights for ex-prisoners.

‘The measure also would restore protections included in the 1965 Voting Rights Act and guard against efforts by state officials to purge voting rolls.’

Following the 2016 election meddling of Russia that helped to install Donald Trump in the White House, it’s become apparent that the only people interested in fair elections are the Democrats.

Featured image via Flickr by J. Stephen Conn under a Creative Commons license