SCOTUS Makes Proclamation About Mueller’s Mysterious Company


A mystery company has filed a lawsuit and taken it all the way to the Supreme Court asking for the court to accept its appeal under seal, which is rarely if ever happens. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation subpoenaed this foreign company requesting that it provide important documentation about the Russian attack on the U.S. presidential campaign and/or Donald Trump campaign’s conspiracy with Moscow.

Trump quickly installed two far-right justices onto the Supreme Court, and he has already started making plans for when Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg leaves to install another one. His daughter Ivanka Trump manipulated Justice Anthony Kennedy to step down. Not only that, Kennedy’s son spent almost a decade working at the bank that financed many of the Trump company enterprises, Deutche Bank.

The Supreme Court justices agreed to the off-shore company’s request for privacy. In addition, the justices also agreed to the company’s second request.  The unnamed company must also provided redacted copies of company documents for the public record. For each day that the mystery company does not comply with Mueller’s subpoena, it must pay a $50,000 fine.

The court’s request meant the name of this unknown company will soon be available along with additional company and lawsuit information.

Some have speculated that one of the banks that works with the Russians might be the mysterious company. Deutche Bank was fined for money laundering Russian monies.

According to CNN, The Supreme Court:

‘…did not act on the merits of the company’s request.’

Former acting solicitor general for the U.S. Walter Dellinger told CNBC he knew of no past case where SCOTUS ever allowed any party to ask to file documents under seal or where the justices had heard oral arguments in a session where the public could not attend.

Featured image is a screenshot via YouTube.