Trump ‘Gofer’ Cliff Sims Responds To Donald’s Lawsuit On Twitter


Donald Trump’s first line of defense when an insider to his campaign and administration speaks out against him is to insist that the person had no real access and is just a “coffee boy” or a “gofer.” Cliff Sims, however, is the first to show receipts proving Trump wrong.

On the day that Sims released his insider account of Trump’s campaign and early administration, Trump could not help but tweet about the book, Team of Vipers: My 500 Extraordinary Days in the Trump White House, giving it publicity and helping drive sales.

Screenshot-at-Jan-29-14-11-29 Trump 'Gofer' Cliff Sims Responds To Donald's Lawsuit On Twitter Donald Trump Featured Politics Social Media Top Stories

Sims shot back, tweeting photos of himself in conversation with Trump at the White House, in attendance at meetings of White House staff that included the president, and even a signed copy of The New York Times the day the tax bill was passed in which Trump praised Sims for his work on the bill.

Gofers generally don’t work on major pieces of legislation, but if Trump wants to insist that’s what Sims is, it’s even more stunning that a low-level “gofer” and staffer was allowed that much access to major policy discussions. The fact that Sims had that access makes him an insider.

The book paints Trump as disinterested, addled, and media-obsessed. During policy meetings, Sims says that Trump would randomly wander out of the room to watch television and insisted on printouts of chyrons from major cable television news shows to stay informed about his media image. He also blasted Kellyanne Conway for privately hating Trump and Sarah Huckabee Sanders for being willing to repeat Trump’s chosen lies for the day.

Twitter reacted to the hilarity of Sims’ tweet. Read some of their comments below:

Screenshot-at-Jan-29-14-08-37 Trump 'Gofer' Cliff Sims Responds To Donald's Lawsuit On Twitter Donald Trump Featured Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-at-Jan-29-14-08-00 Trump 'Gofer' Cliff Sims Responds To Donald's Lawsuit On Twitter Donald Trump Featured Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-at-Jan-29-14-07-26 Trump 'Gofer' Cliff Sims Responds To Donald's Lawsuit On Twitter Donald Trump Featured Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-at-Jan-29-14-06-51 Trump 'Gofer' Cliff Sims Responds To Donald's Lawsuit On Twitter Donald Trump Featured Politics Social Media Top Stories

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