Pelosi Checkmates Trump & Swipes 29 GOP Votes To Pass Wednesday Bill 259-161


Why is it that the Republicans have such a fierce determination to pluck every dollar out of the hands of Americans? It is almost as if they believe that dollar comes out of their wallets. Democrats want to help out the 800,000 federal workers that Donald Trump threw under the bus into economic uncertainty. Approximately half of them had to work with no income.

Representative Gerry Connolly (D-VA) introduced the Federal Civilian Workforce Pay Raise Act that would give federal workers a 2.6 percent pay raise. That would bring their raise up to what the military received earlier in 2019.

House Majority Steny Hoyer (D-MD) spoke on the floor:

‘After five weeks of an unnecessary, costly, and painful shutdown, the American people have been reminded how critical the work our federal employees perform is to our national security and economic security.’

Hoyer continued, noting that Americans now have to work “paycheck-to-paycheck,” including federal workers, and the shutdown sent many to “food pantries:”

‘Americans were horrified to learn that many civilian federal employees live paycheck-to-paycheck as they do. Even a single month’s delay of income sent many of them to food pantries and in search of emergency loans. That isn’t right.’

The federal government has moved massive numbers of good federal jobs into the private sector over the past decades and under Republican leadership.This was done to move money out of the hands of the people and into the hands of businesses.

Those workers who contracted and subcontracted for the government will never recoup their money from the partial shutdown. The shutdown only ended when it reached something that impacted Trump personally — airport travel limited.

The measure passes 259-161 with 29 Republicans joining the Democrats. This bipartisanship is good news for the future of the country, as Republicans vote for the people who elected them, not business.

Those who opposed the legislation claim that people who have poor work performance of behaved inappropriately should not be rewarded with a raise.

Perhaps the next time the Executive and Legislative branches decide they must have a government shutdown, all elected officials should lose their income for the duration, too.

Featured image is a screenshot via YouTube.