Trump Jr. Goes Full-Racist In Unprovoked Attack On Liz Warren


Donald Trump Jr. just keeps droning on like someone wants to hear what he has to say outside of the core of his father’s most rabid supporters. In recent days, he took to Instagram to go full racist in an attempt to undercut the 2020 presidential candidacy of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who made her bid for the White House official this past Saturday.

Trump Jr. was promoting a post from his father in which President Donald Trump seemed to mock the Trail of Tears, which refers to the treacherous journeys that Native Americans were forced on across the western United States as white Americans pushed their territorial claims ever further outward. Warren has previously touted the bit of family lore that she has Native American ancestry, and although the Senator hasn’t made the information anywhere near a core part of her platform at any point in recent years — Republicans love to talk about it.

On Saturday, President Trump commented of Warren on Twitter:

‘Will she run as our first Native American presidential candidate, or has she decided that after 32 years, this is not playing so well anymore? See you on the campaign TRAIL, Liz!’

Screenshot-2019-02-11-at-2.10.11-PM Trump Jr. Goes Full-Racist In Unprovoked Attack On Liz Warren Donald Trump Politics Racism Social Media Top Stories

The White House declined to elaborate on the tweet as of early Monday — but considering some of the president’s past comments, the implication was clear. He has repeatedly, even as Native American groups urged him to stop, slapped Warren with the nickname “Pocahontas” as a derogatory term. He literally used it while standing among Navajo code talkers who’d worked for the United States during World War II.

None of that stopped Trump Jr. from joining in on the nonsense. On Saturday, he posted a screenshot of his father’s tweet acknowledging Warren’s formal announcement of her candidacy to Instagram that included a reply from anarchist and occasional Fox News guest Michael Malice, who quipped:

‘The Native American genocide continues with another murder by our president’

Trump Jr. captioned the image:

‘Savage!!! Love my President.’


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Savage!!! Love my President.

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Does Donald Trump Sr. make his children refer to him as their president now? Some have often wondered about the stability — or lack thereof — in that set of familial relationships.

Thanks to the Trumps, the United States government has been dragged down to the level of old white guys sitting around laughing about “sick” — or whatever — “burns” on social media that they believe constitute points of pressing national interest.

Great job America.

Down in the real world, Trump continues to face an ever-growing field of Democratic challengers heading into 2020. Most recently, Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) announced she was running for president, which Trump responded to by — again — mocking the concept of global warming and climate change because of the snowstorm that rocked the area where she announced.

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Again, however, the fact that a winter storm pops up doesn’t disprove the verifiable trends of the planet changing in dramatic ways. In fact, it proves them!

In other words, heading into 2020 the United States has a choice between a guy who can’t get his lies and his incompetence straight and a number of experienced leaders who have demonstrated their commitment to (all of) the American people via lengthy records.

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