Donald Trump is the most honest, best job protecting president in history — if you ask him. Every day POTUS pours out stream of consciousness tweets trying to convince Americans of that. Still more General Motors (GM) plants close down, House Democrats hold hearings on camera, and people get back far less in their tax refund checks. Are voters going to believe their own experiences or these tweets?
The man not currently sitting in the Oval Office but chewing up executive time tweeted about his hush money to the adult entertainment star. He said there were “no violations:”
‘It was not a campaign contribution, and there were no violations of the campaign finance laws by me. Fake News!’
Just yesterday, Trump’s Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen lied before Congress, saying that the children were not put into cages. A freshman Democrat asked her how they were different from the cages that she put her dog into. Nielsen replied “Well, they’re bigger.”
Trump continued on with his fairy tale tweets, claiming that the border problem would be solved if “Democrats would get on board:”
‘We are on track to APPREHEND more than one million people coming across the Southern Border this year. Great job by Border Patrol (and others) who are working in a Broken System. Can be fixed by Congress so easily and quickly if only the Democrats would get on board!’
Twitter world went wild. Check out some of our favorites below:
Featured image is a screenshot via YouTube.