POLL: Trump’s Job Approval Numbers Plummet To Record Low


If Donald Trump was doing a great job, his job approval poll numbers would be through the roof. He has boasted about all the jobs he created for working Americans. He just made a trip to Vietnam to meet with North Korean dictator Kim Jung Un. POTUS took the Democrats to the mat over his wall funding, and his tariffs continue to be in full force. Yet, there was a huge problem in the polls.

POTUS took a huge dive in the new Gallup poll. He brought in only a 39 percent job approval rating. This was the lowest his job numbers had gone in months, and they plummeted a whopping 10 percent plummet in just one month. Generally, Trump runs right around 40 percent, but not lower than that magic number.

Screen-Shot-2019-03-14-at-8.50.52-AM POLL: Trump's Job Approval Numbers Plummet To Record Low Corruption Crime Donald Trump Politics Top Stories
Trump’s Job Numbers Plummet In Latest Gallup Poll.

A number of issues converged on this presidency to create the drastic drop in the polls. Trump had to walk away from the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. The commander-in-chief thought that he could walk in and on the power of his own personality and the duo’s love letters walk out with a great deal. Did not happy.

Instead of the 180,000 jobs that Trump’s economics people anticipated, the country only generated a mere 20,000 jobs. Then, the man who occasionally sits in the Oval Office grabbed power from the House of Representatives for his southern border wall. He said he was going to create a national emergency out of whole cloth and grab monies from other agencies to pay for it. The House voted no, and today the Senate will vote, too.

Trump’s tariff’s are failing miserable. How could the man who does not like to read, let alone about the economy, come up with and implement a healthy economic strategy? He could not. The tariff strains have nearly bankrupted U.S. farmers and hurt the Chinese economy. As a result, they are buying less from America.

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The commander-in-chief’s former personal attorney and fixer Michael Cohen testified before House committees putting a vivid face on all of 45’s criminal activities. Then, two judges just gave the president’s campaign manager Paul Manafort seven and one-half years in federal prison.

Trump shut the federal government down for 35 days, causing 800,000 employees and a million contract workers to teeter on the edge of financial failure. He was trying to manipulate Congress into giving him money for his wall, but ended up generating bad will among the population.

Of course, there has been Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election and the Trump campaign’s conspiracy with Moscow.Then, there has also been the attorney general of New York looking into his misuse of the Trump foundation funds, for example, using them to pay his son’s boy scout fees.

Do not forget the Southern District of New York (SDNY) and the Manhattan, New York district attorney, the courts in Washington, D.C., and the courts in Virginia all going after him.

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Of course, there were the Democrats who have been holding hearings on a number of cases.

The only reason POTUS’ numbers have remained as high as they were was that he has been getting 90 percent of the Republican vote. Unfortunately for him, Fewer than 25 percent of the people in this country self-identify as members of the GOP. As his party’s dismal income tax returns have begun appearing in mailboxes, their support has taken another staggering hit.

Only 33 percent of the independents approved of the commander-in-chief’s job performance.

Featured image is a screenshot via YouTube.