Judiciary Committee Drops Unedited Mueller Report Bombshell


The Democrats have had it with Donald Trump and his one-month-old Attorney General (AG) William Barr hack. In all other like investigations, the AG has simply turned the entire Mueller report over to Congress. Trump’s Roy Cohn saw fit to declare a wrong-headed bottom line for the report and take out his heavy redaction pen. Yet, the Dems have plenty of power to go after this administration.

In a tweet, POLITICO reporter Kyle Cheney broke the news that the Democrats will vote to subpoena the Trump administration for the entire report:

‘BREAKING: House Judiciary Committee planning to authorize subpoenas Wednesday for the full MUELLER report. Will also vote on subpoenas for MCGAHN, BANNON, HICKS and REINCE. Vote would give Nadler authority to issue subpoenas at any time. Story TK w/ @dsamuelsohn’

Screen-Shot-2019-04-01-at-8.04.01-AM Judiciary Committee Drops Unedited Mueller Report Bombshell Corruption Crime Donald Trump Investigation Mueller Politics Robert Mueller Russia Top Stories

Not only that, the Democrats intend to subpoena a number of former Trump White House officials. These include the former communications director Hope Hicks, former chief of staff Reince Priebus, former political strategist Steve Bannon, and former White House counsel Don McGahn, according to POLITICO.

House Judiciary Chair Representative Jerry Nadler (D-NY) wrote in a New York Times op-ed:

‘By offering us his version of events in lieu of the report, the attorney general, a recent political appointee, undermines the work and the integrity of his department,” he argued. “He also denies the public the transparency it deserves. We require the full report — the special counsel’s words, not the attorney general’s summary or a redacted version.’

Twitter world went bananas. Check out some of our favorites below:

Screen-Shot-2019-04-01-at-8.04.44-AM Judiciary Committee Drops Unedited Mueller Report Bombshell Corruption Crime Donald Trump Investigation Mueller Politics Robert Mueller Russia Top Stories Screen-Shot-2019-04-01-at-8.05.20-AM Judiciary Committee Drops Unedited Mueller Report Bombshell Corruption Crime Donald Trump Investigation Mueller Politics Robert Mueller Russia Top Stories Screen-Shot-2019-04-01-at-8.05.42-AM Judiciary Committee Drops Unedited Mueller Report Bombshell Corruption Crime Donald Trump Investigation Mueller Politics Robert Mueller Russia Top Stories Screen-Shot-2019-04-01-at-8.04.28-AM Judiciary Committee Drops Unedited Mueller Report Bombshell Corruption Crime Donald Trump Investigation Mueller Politics Robert Mueller Russia Top Stories