Donald Trump has a habit of eating his young, well this one is not so young. This dedicated government servant is 66. All people in this administration have to do for job security is suck up to the Oval Office man shamelessly and take orders. Of course, POTUS does not have a clue about how the government works. Often, his orders go directly against what his appointees know is right for the country.
Trump started off the morning telling people they were living the American dream, no matter how far they were sinking in the quicksand of a broken economy. Chair of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell has been doing an excellent job of trying to keep this huge economy holding steady, but Trump has been dead set on up-ending it. First, the president demanded voters step into his illusion delusion:
Then, the commander-in-chief honed in on Powell saying he was taking “unnecessary and destructive actions:”
‘Despite the unnecessary and destructive actions taken by the Fed, the Economy is looking very strong, the China and USMCA deals are moving along nicely, there is little or no Inflation, and USA optimism is very high!’
It would not be a typical Trump morning without him telling his voters that the Democrats were the enemy intent on a “Witch Hunt,” and hinting he would punish the FBI agents for doing their jobs, opening the investigation into a Russian attack on the U.S. elections and beyond:
‘According to polling, few people seem to care about the Russian Collusion Hoax, but some Democrats are fighting hard to keep the Witch Hunt alive. They should focus on legislation or, even better, an investigation of how the ridiculous Collusion Delusion got started – so illegal!’
One kick in the Democrats’ head was not enough. Trump tweeted that they were giving him the “highest level of presidential harassment” ever, when they were just doing their jobs in the House of Representatives:
‘There is nothing we can ever give to the Democrats that will make them happy. This is the highest level of Presidential Harassment in the history of our Country!’
Twitter world lit up. Check out some of our favorites below: