Trump Kisses North Korean Ass One Day After Kim Fires Ocean Missiles


2020 can’t get here soon enough. This weekend, President Donald Trump responded to rising concerns about a couple of prominent world dictators by completely glossing over the actual issues at hand. The day after North Korea test launched short-range missiles, Trump stuck passionately to the line that he and the country’s leader Kim Jong Un are getting along just fine, sharing on Twitter:

‘Anything in this very interesting world is possible, but I believe that Kim Jong Un fully realizes the great economic potential of North Korea, & will do nothing to interfere or end it. He also knows that I am with him & does not want to break his promise to me. Deal will happen!’

Screenshot-2019-05-04-at-10.31.44-AM Trump Kisses North Korean Ass One Day After Kim Fires Ocean Missiles Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

This assertion that Kim will “do nothing to interfere or end” the “promise” or whatever of North Korea comes the morning after he fired short-range missiles into the ocean! In other words, Kim just did the exact thing Trump is arrogantly asserting he wouldn’t! The president of the United States is glossing over reality and hoping we won’t notice, leaving the lives of the millions within reach of North Korea’s missiles in danger in the process.

There’s a clear precedent for this. He’s met with Kim twice now, at one point proclaiming that they “fell in love” as some kind of call for the world not to worry about the situation. In reality, however, the North Koreans never denuclearized, the lapse in missile launches that Trump pointed to as evidence of success anyway has clear precedent in the decades of this issue — and they even started rebuilding a missile facility. Trump still wants us to think everything is just fine all the same. What would it take for him to admit he was even just a little off in his assessment of the situation?

Saturday morning, he didn’t just extol one dictator, but two, touting his phone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin the day before as wonderful. The president tweeted:

‘Tremendous potential for a good/great relationship with Russia, despite what you read and see in the Fake News Media. Look how they have misled you on “Russia Collusion.” The World can be a better and safer place. Nice!’

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Are you kidding? The best that the president of the United States has is an observation that it’s “nice” that the “world can be a better and safer place”? All due respect to those who actually are, he sounds like a fourth grader! Russia did, in fact, meddle in the 2016 elections, period.

Check out Twitter’s response…

Screenshot-2019-05-04-at-10.28.18-AM Trump Kisses North Korean Ass One Day After Kim Fires Ocean Missiles Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-05-04-at-10.28.06-AM Trump Kisses North Korean Ass One Day After Kim Fires Ocean Missiles Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-05-04-at-10.27.26-AM Trump Kisses North Korean Ass One Day After Kim Fires Ocean Missiles Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-05-04-at-10.27.18-AM Trump Kisses North Korean Ass One Day After Kim Fires Ocean Missiles Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-05-04-at-10.27.00-AM Trump Kisses North Korean Ass One Day After Kim Fires Ocean Missiles Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

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