The Trump administration just keeps hurtling down their path of scorched earth attempts at “governance,” and Democratic leaders like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) aren’t interested in putting up with the behavior. At a Thursday press conference, she completely dismissed criticism from longtime Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway that Pelosi was supposedly anti-woman because she wanted to speak to the president about possible infrastructure plans and not go through Conway the previous day.
As she briskly put it in conversation with reporters:
‘I’m not going to talk about her. I respond as the Speaker of the House to the President of the United States. Other conversations people want to have among themselves is up to them.’
“I’m not going to talk about her,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi says when asked about Kellyanne Conway
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) May 23, 2019
Conway has been carrying on with her crusade to depict Pelosi as anti-woman for a day and counting at this point. Despite her gender having absolutely no relevance to the issue at hand whatsoever, Conway is convinced that Pelosi and other Democrats should roll out a red carpet or something for her and the rest of the president’s team.
She told Fox News on Thursday morning:
‘Let’s face it, she’s the sixth-most rich member of Congress. She treats everybody like they’re her staff. She treats me like I’m either her maid or her driver or her pilot or her makeup artist and I’m not.’
It’s not like there’s some kind of preponderance of evidence for Conway’s claim that Pelosi inappropriately belittles her. At the time when the House Speaker rebuffed the former Trump campaign manager’s invitation for a chat, President Donald Trump himself had just stormed out of the room after asserting that he wouldn’t be cooperating with Democrats on any legislation at all until they stopped attempts at oversight and investigation. Why was Pelosi then supposed to beat around the bush by talking with Conway about anything?
It’s amazing that on a day when her own boss marked a long-set meeting with Congressional leaders with angry ranting and a rambling follow-up press conference at which he proclaimed himself one of the greatest presidents in history, Conway thinks Pelosi is the arrogant one. For the record, even Conway’s assertion that Pelosi is the sixth-most rich member of Congress seems to be a lie. In 2018, Roll Call placed her in the position of thirtiest-most rich national legislator. Where on earth did Conway get her estimation?
Although she didn’t directly address Conway for very long, Pelosi did have harsh words about the president’s behavior this week, insisting:
‘I wish that his family or his administration or his staff would have an intervention for the good of the country.’
“I pray for the president of the United States. I wish that his family or his administration or his staff would have an intervention for the good of the country,” Pelosi said, adding that she’s concerned about Trump’s well-being after repeatedly storming out of meetings with Dems
— POLITICO (@politico) May 23, 2019
Meanwhile, Trump just keeps ranting. He first melted down so furiously this week after Pelosi said he’d been engaged in a “cover-up” thanks to his team’s incessant stonewalling of Congressional investigative and oversight efforts. He’s launched into depicting Democrats as not just supposedly out of line but opposed to the very fabric of the United States, which is represented in his estimation by himself and his policies of course. The stakes heading into the 2020 presidential election remain super high.
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