Sarah Sanders Implodes On TV Thursday & It’s Fun To Watch (VIDEO)


Donald Trump is not even that good of a liar. Since he took office, the number of his fairly transparent lies has topped 10,000. Then, there are the more complex lies of actions or intentions. POTUS will tell House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and even the Republicans that he supports a bill or an initiative full-out. Yet, three weeks later, he will completely reverse himself.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders also lies for her boss. She sat down with CNN’s New Day anchor, Alisyn Camerota for an interview. The anchor asked her about the president’s puzzling, sudden exit from the Oval Office. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats had scheduled a followup meeting about their infrastructure plan. The first one had gone very well, then this happened.

Screen-Shot-2019-05-23-at-12.33.17-PM Sarah Sanders Implodes On TV Thursday & It's Fun To Watch (VIDEO) Corruption Crime Domestic Policy Donald Trump Investigation Mental Illness Politics Top Stories

Sanders claimed that his meeting and press briefing were completely spontaneous. However, the drapes in the Oval Office windows were closed. Those windows overlook the Rose Garden where POTUS’ supposedly impromptu briefing occurred and Fox News cameras were set up.  The White House had selectively and inaccurately copied statistics from ABC and printed his mantra “No Collusion No Obstruction” onto a poster. Someone had attached it to the front of the podium. Reporters received the same image on a handout.

Sanders insisted that they just had the signs laying around:

‘The placard had been printed weeks ago, so it’s not like this was some new talking point or some new moment. That’s something we’ve been talking about since the end of the Mueller report.’

Sanders insisted that Trump “absolutely” planned on remaining in the White House infrastructure meeting with the Democrats. The press secretary said that problem had been Speaker Pelosi, because she had a closed-door plan-of-action meeting prior to going to the Oval Office. Sanders said:

‘That was what yesterday was supposed to be about until Nancy Pelosi had a closed-door meeting to talk about the impeachment of the president, which is ludicrous on so many fronts.’

Screen-Shot-2019-05-23-at-12.33.04-PM Sarah Sanders Implodes On TV Thursday & It's Fun To Watch (VIDEO) Corruption Crime Domestic Policy Donald Trump Investigation Mental Illness Politics Top Stories

According to Sanders, the president had decided to have a spur-of-the-moment Rose Garden briefing, because Pelosi claimed he had “engaged in a coverup.” However, his quick trip to the Rose Garden appeared to mimic the speaker and Senate Minority Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) briefing after Trump told them he would close down the government early this year — which he did.

Although the Democrats claimed that they had walked into a planned ambush, Sanders said that the “catalyst” for the commander-in-chief to walk out was Pelosi’s earlier comments. An MSNBC commentator said Trump was acting exactly as the New York real estate people operated. Then, they wait for the others to beg him to come back.

Sanders said that the Democrats do not get a “do-over.” She referenced her own children when she said “I’m sorry (but) that’s not how life works:’

‘They don’t get to do a do-over because they didn’t like the outcome. That’s like me telling my kids, “I’m sorry you didn’t win your soccer game, but that’s OK, we’ll just play it over.” That’s not how life works.’Screen-Shot-2019-05-23-at-12.32.40-PM Sarah Sanders Implodes On TV Thursday & It's Fun To Watch (VIDEO) Corruption Crime Domestic Policy Donald Trump Investigation Mental Illness Politics Top Stories

Pelosi and the other Democrats had a different take on Trump’s actions.  The day after the president’s performance, Pelosi saw the president’s action as disturbing.

She said that she would pray for Trump but more emphatically, she would pray for the United States of America.