Meghan McCain Tells Klobuchar Not To Talk About Her Memories Of John


Senator John McCain (R-AZ) was a man who understood patriotism, honor, and duty. He was shot down over North Vietnam during the war and was captured with a broken leg. His captors tortured him for five and one-half years, doing so much damage to his arms that he was never able to comb his hair again. When the North Vietnamese found out that his father was  Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Command (CINCPAC), commander of all U.S. forces in the Vietnam theater from 1968 to 1972, they offered to let him out. McCain refused. He would not leave until his men could leave, but there is another story that may not have been told until now.

Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) was in Iowa campaigning for president of these United States. She recalled on this Memorial Day when she was sitting beside McCain during Donald Trump’s inaugural speech. She remembered an instance that unintentionally caused his daughter Megan McCain pain:

‘(McCain) kept reciting the names of dictators.’

Memorial Day is one of those anniversary days that are usually poignant reminders of those we have lost, and John McCain has only been gone less than a year. It made sense that Meghan McCain would have been hurt by the mention of her dad. She tweeted to Klobuchar saying:

‘On behalf of the entire McCain family – @amyklobuchar please be respectful to all of us and leave my fathers legacy and memory out of presidential politics.’

Screen-Shot-2019-05-27-at-4.12.54-PM Meghan McCain Tells Klobuchar Not To Talk About Her Memories Of John Celebrities Military Politics Top Stories

Yet, Trump had crudely claimed that the senator was no hero:

‘I like people who weren’t captured.’

McCain and Trump’s relationship went from bad to worse after 45 was elected. The president never forgave the senator for being the critical middle-of-the-night vote that protected Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA/Obamacare) in 2017.

On the presidential campaign trail, one that McCain also traveled to near-election against President Barack Obama, the Minnesota senator has said:

‘John McCain … knew more than any of what we were facing as a nation, he understood it.’

McCain’s last speech to the Naval Academy is riveting. It is available on YouTube.

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Screen-Shot-2019-05-27-at-4.13.41-PM Meghan McCain Tells Klobuchar Not To Talk About Her Memories Of John Celebrities Military Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2019-05-27-at-4.15.08-PM Meghan McCain Tells Klobuchar Not To Talk About Her Memories Of John Celebrities Military Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2019-05-27-at-4.14.29-PM Meghan McCain Tells Klobuchar Not To Talk About Her Memories Of John Celebrities Military Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2019-05-27-at-4.14.12-PM Meghan McCain Tells Klobuchar Not To Talk About Her Memories Of John Celebrities Military Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2019-05-27-at-4.14.41-PM Meghan McCain Tells Klobuchar Not To Talk About Her Memories Of John Celebrities Military Politics Top Stories