Trump Erupts Into Multi-Tweet Sunday Meghan Markle Meltdown


Donald Trump was born without the empathy gene and without a conscious. People have a hard time getting their heads around POTUS’ actions. That is why they stand back shaking their heads in puzzlement. It does not matter to Trump whether the soldiers he sends to war die. It does not matter whether innocent black teens get a death penalty It does not bother Trump whether caged children die at the border. The next project for the president will result in more deaths, too.

Trump has an enemies list: the Democrats, the media, his opponents, anyone who tells him no, and former special counselor Robert Mueller III. Today the commander-in-chief tried to move the subject from the damning Mueller Report to his memorial border wall. The president played the humanitarian card, knowing that most people do feel empathy:

‘The Democrats are doing nothing on the Border to address the Humanitarian and National Security Crisis! Could be fixed so easily if they would vote with Republicans to fix the loopholes.’

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Trump played against people’s empathy by playing the human trafficking card:

‘People have been saying for years that we should talk to Mexico. The problem is that Mexico is an “abuser” of the United States, taking but never giving. It has been this way for decades. Either they stop the invasion of our Country by Drug Dealers, Cartels, Human Traffickers…’

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The next card was the jobs card:

‘….Coyotes and Illegal Immigrants, which they can do very easily, or our many companies and jobs that have been foolishly allowed to move South of the Border, will be brought back into the United States through taxation (Tariffs). America has had enough!’

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POTUS dealt the drug crisis card:

‘The Wall is under construction and moving along quickly, despite all of the Radical Liberal Democrat lawsuits. What are they thinking as our Country is invaded by so many people (illegals) and things (Drugs) that we do not want. Make America Great Again!’

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Then, POTUS pulled out the sinning card:

‘NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION, NO NOTHING! “What the Democrats are trying to do is the biggest sin in the impeachment business.” David Rivkin, Constitutional Scholar. Meantime, the Dems are getting nothing done in Congress. They are frozen stiff. Get back to work, much to do!’

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He played the racist card next:

‘I never called Meghan Markle “nasty.” Made up by the Fake News Media, and they got caught cold! Will @CNN, @nytimes and others apologize? Doubt it!

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The president dealt another empathy card, a safe economy:

Twitter world went wild. Check out some of our favorites below:

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Screen-Shot-2019-06-02-at-7.04.52-AM Trump Erupts Into Multi-Tweet Sunday Meghan Markle Meltdown Corruption Crime Donald Trump Immigration Politics Racism Refugees Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2019-06-02-at-7.04.04-AM Trump Erupts Into Multi-Tweet Sunday Meghan Markle Meltdown Corruption Crime Donald Trump Immigration Politics Racism Refugees Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2019-06-02-at-7.04.18-AM Trump Erupts Into Multi-Tweet Sunday Meghan Markle Meltdown Corruption Crime Donald Trump Immigration Politics Racism Refugees Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2019-06-02-at-7.04.34-AM Trump Erupts Into Multi-Tweet Sunday Meghan Markle Meltdown Corruption Crime Donald Trump Immigration Politics Racism Refugees Top Stories