Trump Tanks In New Polls, Orders WH Staff To Lie About It (DETAILS)


Donald Trump does not want to hear bad news. Bad luck for the bearer of that news. The president becomes enraged, and the poor aide who drew the short straw takes a verbal beating. Today, someone walked the long hall of doom and handed POTUS the bad news.

The president has always enjoyed having an enemy to fight against. This year one of his favorite enemies has been his 2020 presidential race opponent former vice president Joe Biden (D). Former Trump aides picked up the phone only to hear from Trump after many months, even years of silence. They found that he wanted to play the polls games of guessing who would be Trump’s rival.

Screen-Shot-2019-06-11-at-8.49.33-AM Trump Tanks In New Polls, Orders WH Staff To Lie About It (DETAILS) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Election 2020 Mental Illness Politics Top Stories

A new 17-state poll by Trump’s campaign pollster Tony Fabrizio reported that the president trailed Biden in a “cluster of critical Rust Belt states.” The president took some solace in knowing Biden lost to him in these places. However, Biden took the key states. Trump told aides to lie and say his numbers were great. Biden won, according to The New York Times:

‘(In) key states like Texas, Michigan and Pennsylvania.’

Trump was angry with his aides:

‘Why am I not doing more rallies?’

He insists on having final approval over the songs on his campaign playlist, as well as the campaign merchandise, but he has never asked to see a budget for 2019.

Former top adviser to President Barack Obama, David Axelrod said:

‘At this point in the cycle. (President Barack Obama) was pretty consumed by governing. He was briefed on the start-up, but we didn’t have our first big campaign meeting until the fall of 2011.’

Screen-Shot-2019-06-11-at-8.49.00-AM Trump Tanks In New Polls, Orders WH Staff To Lie About It (DETAILS) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Election 2020 Mental Illness Politics Top Stories

Communications aide for the Trump Campaign in 2016 Jason Miller said:

‘His counterintuitive gut instinct that drove much of the 2016 race was spot on through the primary and the general elections. I wouldn’t expect that to change going into 2020. He’s always going to be the one who drives the message and makes the important political decisions.’

Screen-Shot-2019-06-11-at-8.48.44-AM Trump Tanks In New Polls, Orders WH Staff To Lie About It (DETAILS) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Election 2020 Mental Illness Politics Top Stories

Trump 2016 campaign worker Sam Nunberg said:

‘He views Biden as a failed vice president who’s going to be savaged by the left in the primary to the point of unelectability. He also doesn’t believe he has energy.’

State Republican Party chair Jeffrey Kaufmann commented:

‘He didn’t win Iowa in our caucuses, but he still maintained Iowa as a special state for him. I’ve visited with him in the Oval Office, and every single time he not only shows his support for our state, but he shows he understands the issues out here.’

Miller added:

‘President Trump is always strongest when he has a direct foil. I can’t imagine him not taking advantage of the opportunity to jab at Biden.’

Screen-Shot-2019-06-11-at-8.49.15-AM Trump Tanks In New Polls, Orders WH Staff To Lie About It (DETAILS) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Election 2020 Mental Illness Politics Top Stories

The president appeared to be oddly quite disinterested in this campaign, The Times reported:

‘Unlike nearly every recent modern president who sought re-election, Mr. Trump rarely if ever speaks to aides about what he hopes to accomplish with what would be a hard-won second term; his interest is entirely in the present, and mostly on the crisis of the moment. He has shown no interest in formulating a new message for his campaign, instead continuing with the winning “Make America Great Again” slogan from his last race and adding that he also wants to “keep America great.”’

The commander-in-chief has spent his time making up derogatory nicknames for the Democratic 2020 campaign opponents. He called Biden “swamp man,” “too old,” and “sleepy.”