Russian State TV Laughs At Trump’s Military Parade, Calls It ‘Putin’s America’


Donald Trump has been roundly excoriated for his claims that Continental soldiers “manned the air” and took over “the airports” in 1776 here in the United States, but in Russia, the entire show was worthy of laughter and trolling.

Russians are quite accustomed to military parades as shows of strength, since that’s what autocrats and dictators do. Russian President Vladimir Putin holds an annual celebration to display all of his latest war machines. Trump, on the other hand, displayed decades-old tanks that no one uses anymore despite Trump promises to roll out the “newest tanks.”

The Washington Post reports:

‘Footage of American tanks in Washington rolled across the studio’s screens as co-host Yevgeny Popov declared sarcastically, “The greatest parade of all times is going to be held today in Washington, that is what our Donald Trump has said. The American president announced he would show us the newest tanks.”

‘Popov then claimed that, “these are Abrams and Sherman tanks, used during World War II and withdrawn from service in 1957.”’

The Russian state TV announcers further laughed at Trump for his capitulation to Putin, referring to the parade show as “Putin’s America.” Trump’s ties to Putin have long been warned as support for Putin’s “global dominance” and detractors are horrified by his endless worship of the Russian oligarch and murderer.

‘Earlier on Thursday, Skabayeva tweeted images of military vehicles being brought to Washington, writing “Putin’s America” beside an emoji crying from laughter.’

Of course, that’s not the only criticism Trump has suffered for his dictatorial parade. There are thousands of homeless veterans in the United States for whom the money spent on Trump’s strongman display could have provided much-needed benefits. Instead, Trump decided to promote himself ahead of the 2020 elections, during which the cost of this parade will most likely be raised again to criticize the president.

‘It also comes with a steep price tag. A typical Fourth of July celebration on the Mall usually costs the National Park Service about $2 million, according to former Park Service deputy director Denis P. Galvin. To throw the “Salute to America,” the department has diverted at least $2.5 million to cover the cost, The Post reported, and that transfer may only cover a fraction of the full expense.’

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