Pelosi Out-Maneuvers Trump Again To Win Historic Vote


While Donald Trump continues to wreak havoc both on the world stage and at home, his powers are not absolute. On Friday, House Democrats passed legislation to further limit those powers, a concept widely supported by Republicans under President Obama. GOP representatives were furious.

Rep. Ron Wright (R-TX) called the Democrats’ additions to National Defense Authorization Act “poison pills” that Democrats knew Republicans wouldn’t be open to supporting. Apparently, the GOP is now opposed to limiting the powers of federal officials, standards around transparency and accountability, and cutting wasteful spending, although those were the exact things they insisted they stood for during President Obama’s terms in office.

Rep. Ted Lieu wrote four of those added amendments to the bill.At least one of them, barring Trump from selling arms to his friends in Saudi Arabia, has been supported by a bipartisan group of legislators, including Trump acolyte Lindsey Graham (R-SC). On Lieu’s website, his provisions to the bill are explained.

‘The final bill includes four amendments spearheaded by Rep. Lieu to stop the emergency arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates; limit Department of Defense funds from being used at Trump properties; prohibit U.S. military refueling of aircraft in Yemen; and require a report to Congress detailing the U.S. strategy for Libya.’

The bill also included provisions to restore protections for trans military members, ban Trump from using military funds to build his border wall, and demanded transparency in Trump’s approved spending decisions on military contractors in order to cut waste and reduce fraud. It also protects rape victims with the “Safe to Report” provision, which requires that the Veterans Administration inform victims of the status of their claims and decisions made in their cases. Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-MA) added those provisions.

‘”Safe To Report”…makes sure we don’t turn the victims of the sexual trauma into criminals because they report what happened to them,” says Pingree.

“Pingree says her amendment ensures that the Veterans Administration informs victims of their rights and benefits as survivors of military sexual trauma.”

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