Trump Brags About Being On Ground Zero With First Responders (VIDEO)


Donald Trump has a funny way of holding terrorists responsible for attacking the U.S. The president has just tried to evade Congress and sell Saudi Arabia jets and weapons of mass destruction. He also just vetoed one of those rare bills that made it through the House and Senate to halt weapon sales, because the Saudis have been responsible for the worst humanitarian crisis in history. Three million citizens have starved to death due to the war. Then, POTUS did this.

Trump signed another one of those rare bills into law to provide unlimited health care to the 9/11 first responders who came from across the country to pull people who were alive and not from the wreckage. The government told them that the air was safe, but it was not. Instead, the government made them return again and again to beg for health care.

The commander-in-chief’s speech sounded as if Trump tore off his suit to get to his Captain Marvel character’s costume, then raced to the wreckage to rescue people, too. He did not.

Producer of MSNBC’s The Last Word Kyle Griffin said:

‘Trump claims without evidence to an audience that includes 9/11 first responders: “I was down there [at Ground Zero] also, but I’m not considering myself a first responder, but I was down there. I spent a lot of time down there with you.”Via CBS’

These tweets were among the best, but there were so many, it was hard to choose. Enjoy.

05b21455-screen-shot-2019-07-29-at-12.09.38-pm Trump Brags About Being On Ground Zero With First Responders (VIDEO) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Politics Terrorism Top Stories Violence 5a72eb7c-screen-shot-2019-07-29-at-12.09.58-pm Trump Brags About Being On Ground Zero With First Responders (VIDEO) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Politics Terrorism Top Stories Violence c0d24630-screen-shot-2019-07-29-at-12.10.11-pm Trump Brags About Being On Ground Zero With First Responders (VIDEO) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Politics Terrorism Top Stories Violence 8475e829-screen-shot-2019-07-29-at-12.10.37-pm Trump Brags About Being On Ground Zero With First Responders (VIDEO) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Politics Terrorism Top Stories Violence 0f0609e4-screen-shot-2019-07-29-at-12.10.56-pm Trump Brags About Being On Ground Zero With First Responders (VIDEO) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Politics Terrorism Top Stories Violence

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