Democrats Vs Trump 2020 Polls Released – USA Is Turning Blue


There was the ominous threat of a submerged dome of Donald Trump voters during the 2016 presidential race. One issue was that some people were embarrassed to vote for him and may not have told the truth. Second, there was a large group of people who did not trust the government. Those voters did not rise up until they went to the voting booth. What a difference 2019 makes. Check this out.

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SOURCE: Marquette University Law School Poll.

Most of the current polls have had a long enough history with Donald Trump that they can predict with more accuracy. Interestingly, Trump’s numbers have not budged. They hover around 42 percent to 44, which will not get him re-elected. Republican and Democratic pundits warn that this is exactly the wrong time to assume he will lose in 2020.

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SOURCE: Marquette University Law School Poll.

Here are the facts. A newly released Marquette University Law School poll showed Vice President leads the president by nine percentage points in a hypothetical Wisconsin general-election race among registered voters.

The reason for choosing that state was that Trump won it by such a slim sliver in 2016., one percentage point. This swing state will be crucial in the next election. Thus far, former Vice President Joe Biden (D) outdistanced POTUS by nine percentage points, 51 percentage points to 42 percent among registered. Interviewees indicated they find him the most electable Democrat. He also did relatively well during the two Democratic primary debates.

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SOURCE: Marquette University Law School Poll.

The Marquette University Law School poll showed that Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) also won over Trump 48 percent to 44 percent. Both Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Kamala Harris (D-CA) tied with the president, 45 percent and 44 percent.

Secretary HIllary Clinton (D) lost the state to Trump by just one percent of the voters. That gave him the electoral college votes he needed to win the presidential election. Clinton won the popular vote by around three million votes, even though she did not visit the state during her campaign.

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SOURCE: Marquette University Law School Poll.

There are three other states that will probably swing the presidential election: Florida, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

Biden showed up in the poll as the first choice among registered Democrats, Democratic-leaning independents, and neutral independents. They chose:

  • Sanders for second place with 20 percent of the vote,
  • Warren 17 percent,
  • South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg six percent,
  • Harris three percent,
  • Tech entrepreneur Andrew Yang two percent,
  • Remaining Democratic candidate one percent or less.
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SOURCE: Marquette University Law School Poll.

The Marquette poll interviewed 800 registered voters between August 25 and August 29. The Democratic primary had a 5 +/- percentage point margin of error, and the general election had a more solid 3.9 +/- percentage point margin of error.

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SOURCE: Marquette University Law School Poll.

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