Jim Acosta Defiantly Trolls Trump On Impeachment Day


Donald Trump does not like CNN’s Chief White Correspondent Jim Acosta. He became so angry once that he withdrew the journalist’s White House credentials. Why? Acosta bores into the man in the Oval Office seeking the truth, which makes POTUS very uncomfortable. Here is what CNN’s man found today.

Acosta tweeted a wry comment, noting that the president had insisted he would not be watching the impeachment proceedings:

‘Yesterday Trump said he wouldn’t be watching the proceedings.’

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Then, the journalist showed one of the president’s tweets that clearly showed how much Trump was not watching the impeachment in action. The president screamed into his tweets, a yell that only vindicated the media and the Democrats:


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This fall, Trump turned to veteran White House correspondent for Reuters, Jeff Mason, and asked, according to The New York Times: 

‘Are you talking to me?’

Mason had asked what the president wanted to achieve when he asked the Ukrainian Volodymyr Zelensky about the Bidens in his country. He responded:

‘The question, Sir, was what did you want President Zelensky to do about Vice President Biden and his son Hunter?’

Trump appeared deeply offended:

‘Did you hear me? Did you hear me?  Ask him a question. I’ve given you a long answer. Ask this gentleman a question. Don’t be rude.’

Mason replied:

‘I don’t want to be rude. I just wanted you to have a chance to answer the question that I asked you.’

The president angrily responded:

‘I’ve answered everything. (He hadn’t.) It’s a whole hoax, and you know who’s playing into the hoax? People like you and the fake news media that we have in this country — and, I say in many cases, the corrupt media, because you’re corrupt. Much of the media in this country is not just fake, it’s corrupt.’

Mason’s calm in the face of such personal rage won him the admiration of his fellow reporters. The Washington Post reporter Michael Scherer tweeted:

‘Jeff Mason is a total pro. That was textbook. Play the tape in journalism schools.’

Twitter world took off as POTUS omnipotently screamed into the internet. The solemn duty of an impeachment speaks far more loudly. Here is what the people had to say in response:

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