Trump Calls Bolton A Liar In Bizarre Twitter Meltdown


People can hear him trudging up and down the White House hallways in the middle of the night. Some have said that they can sometimes hear his chains rattling, but maybe it is just the sound of cans jumbling together. Are we talking about the ghost of presidents past? No, just Donald Trump.

He tweeted well into the night trying to defuse his former National Security Adviser John Bolton’s latest reveal. The New York Times blew the Donald Trump defense all apart with its jarring report Sunday on John Bolton’s book with the perfect title, The Room Where It Happened.

Trump tweeted that Bolton was just trying “to sell a book:”

‘I NEVER told John Bolton that the aid to Ukraine was tied to investigations into Democrats, including the Bidens. In fact, he never complained about this at the time of his very public termination. If John Bolton said this, it was only to sell a book. With that being said, the…’

Screen-Shot-2020-01-27-at-9.50.58-AM Trump Calls Bolton A Liar In Bizarre Twitter Meltdown Corruption Featured Impeachment Politics Top Stories

Before the sun rose the next day, POTUS was at his tweeting once again. He was trying to demand Bolton stay far from the impeachment trial. Trump implied not so subtlely that the House members should have subpoenaed Bolton, meaning they had not done their jobs:

‘The Democrat controlled (sic) House never even asked John Bolton to testify. It is up to them, not up to the Senate!’

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House Intelligence Committee chair and impeachment trial lead Adam Schiff (D-CA) responded, according to The New York Daily News:

“It completely blasts another hole in the president’s defense. How you can explain that you wanted a search for the truth in this trial and say you don’t want to hear from a witness who had a direct conversation about the central allegation in the articles of impeachment?’

Bolton said that he told Trump’s Attorney General (AG) William Barr that the president had mentioned him in his infamous call. Trump spoke to the newly-elected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the July 2019 call. The AG would have been trying to silence the whistleblower, the person who kicked off this entire investigation.

Schiff said:

‘This was Bill Barr protecting Bill Barr.’

Bolton claimed that Trump had no plans to release the direly-needed $391 in military aid to Ukraine unless Zelensky caved to his demands. He wanted the new president to announce on television an investigation into his top 2020 presidential contender Joe Biden.

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Zelensky was hired to fight corruption. Usually, America has been the shining city on a hill for that purpose. However, Trump was trying to force Ukraine to do his corrupt bidding.

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) appeared to be the one traditional Republican willing to stand up for honor, to break free of the tight Trump vice POTUS appeared to have over Congress. It was much like the witches’ spells of childhood fairy tales.

He submitted the bombshell manuscript to the White House for routine vetting one month ago.  No wonder the president’s team wanted to rush this trial through.

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