On Wednesday, in a heartfelt speech to Congress, where he choked back tears, Mitt Romney broke with his party and was the only Republican with enough integrity to vote to convict Donald Trump for abuse of power.
Since then, Senator Romney has received blistering backlash, some of the worst of it coming from Trump himself — even Junior jumped in on it, with a cruel post of his own, calling Romney a “pussy” for breaking with his party.
Today, during a New York Times “Daily” podcast, Romney opened up about his “lonely vote” and admitted that he knew there would be unimaginable consequences for his actions, stating:
‘I don’t know what they’ll be, there’s some I know. I know they’ll be consequences and I just have to recognize that and do what I think is right.
‘Not voting my conscience in order for me to have a better political and personal benefit would subject my own conscience to its censure.
‘So I just, I don’t have a choice there. This for me is fundamental to my oath to God and fundamental to how our country must work, which is people have to be seen as honest in fulfilling the oath that they take.’
One of the things Romney stressed in his speech Wednesday was that his vote to convict Trump was in large part due to his faith. To that, Trump said,
‘I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong.’
Not a very fitting remark from a “president” who actually knows he himself is wrong, but then again, Trump has never been a fitting president.
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