Obama Trolls Trump Over School Lunch Cuts Like A Real Leader


President Donald Trump has defined his time in office by his often endless Twitter rants and other public spectacles of his egomania. Meanwhile, even years after leaving office, former President Barack Obama continues to deliver a stunning contrast and a reminder of the kind of levelheaded leadership that’s available for the U.S. At least he doesn’t run on marathon Fox News binges with livetweeted commentary! This week, he shared a pair of features from The New York Times on Twitter that focused on housing crises and public health. Could anyone imagine Trump ever doing anything similar? Ironically, he’s done just the opposite through administration proposals like attempts to dial back access to free lunches for kids.

Obama commented:

‘Here are a couple of articles that are worth reading — from housing to health, these stories use data to explore challenges we face and demonstrate how policy solutions along with civic engagement can make a real difference in people’s lives.’

Obama’s most recent Twitter post before that one actually seemed to catch Trump’s attention. Obama had commemorated the signing of the Recovery Act that he signed towards the very beginning of his tenure, which he praised for “paving the way for more than a decade of economic growth and the longest streak of job creation in American history.” No matter these easily documented facts, Trump took grave offense.

On Twitter, he bellowed with embarrassing belligerence:

‘Did you hear the latest con job? President Obama is now trying to take credit for the Economic Boom taking place under the Trump Administration… NOW, best jobs numbers ever.’

He’s wrong. Average job creation throughout the last few years of Obama’s tenure was higher than the same figure for a comparable chunk of the Trump administration. These are documented facts! Trump can’t just wish them away.

Check out Twitter’s response to Obama…

Screenshot-2020-02-19-at-12.16.00-PM Obama Trolls Trump Over School Lunch Cuts Like A Real Leader Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-02-19-at-12.15.25-PM Obama Trolls Trump Over School Lunch Cuts Like A Real Leader Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-02-19-at-12.15.11-PM Obama Trolls Trump Over School Lunch Cuts Like A Real Leader Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-02-19-at-12.15.00-PM Obama Trolls Trump Over School Lunch Cuts Like A Real Leader Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-02-19-at-12.14.45-PM Obama Trolls Trump Over School Lunch Cuts Like A Real Leader Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-02-19-at-12.14.36-PM Obama Trolls Trump Over School Lunch Cuts Like A Real Leader Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories