Vice President Mike Pence has a very unusual religion. Pence cannot be alone with a woman in a room until “Mother’ aka his wife shows up. He adores a man who cheated on his wife during and after the birth of their son. Watch the VP while Donald Trump casts out lie after lie, a man who puts refugee children into cages.
Prayer is good. But Pence appeared to be wallowing in hypocrisy so deep and so tar-like that he may never get out. Religion and science are not exclusive. Many need to check their Bibles, though. Calling Trump the Second Coming forgets that before the good guy shows up, there will be an anti-Christ. Hopefully, Pence was praying for forgiveness:
‘Mike Pence can pray whenever he likes, but I do find it odd to see him leading a prayer during a meeting of the coronavirus task force with people like the head of the CDC and Dr. Fauci.’
Take a look at how other people responded to the Pence hypocrisy circle:
‘Replying to @thomaschattwill You are. UTTERLY.’
‘God is a Comedian.’
‘We’re facing both a public health crisis and a potential economic crisis. We urgently need top experts at the table in public health and medicine—many of whom are women. This isn’t it.’
‘Mike Pence and his coronavirus emergency team praying for a solution. We are so screwed.’
‘Replying to @thomaschattwill and @MarkCunliffe76′
‘Mike Pence can pray whenever he likes, but I do find it odd to see him leading a prayer during a meeting of the coronavirus task force with people like the head of the CDC and Dr. Fauci.’
‘who’s that standing behind #MikePence, trying to suppress a #coronavirus sneeze?’
‘Replying to
someone farted during prayer’
Twitter world exploded. Take a look at how Americans responded below:
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