Biden Trolls Trump Over Coronavirus & Goes Viral Fast


Donald Trump decided that he wanted to sneak his wall in under the alarm of the coronavirus (COVID-19). He is not the first president to take advantage of a national crisis to sneak in a favorite piece of legislation. The problem here is POTUS’ stark lack of empathy.

After 911, President George W. Bush stood tall amid the smoldering ruins and took charge of the situation. He pulled out his bull horn and famously said in this YouTube clip:

‘I can hear you.’

Conversely, Donald Trump considers sickness as a weakness. If there was any clearer difference between him and Joe Biden, this is it. The former vice president lost his first wife and daughter in a car accident. Then, more recently, Biden lost his eldest son to brain cancer. It was Beau Biden who urged his father to go for the presidency.

Trump fired Tom Bossert from Homeland Security’s pandemic emergency response team. Bossert said that the White House could take the virus down, but not with the way the president has been moving. Biden agreed:’

‘A wall won’t stop a virus. Racism won’t stop a virus. Do your job.’

Screen-Shot-2020-03-10-at-12.37.21-PM Biden Trolls Trump Over Coronavirus & Goes Viral Fast Corruption Featured Healthcare Politics Top Stories

Twitter world caught fire when Biden’s tweet hit the public. Check out these favorites of ours below — both pro and con:

Screen-Shot-2020-03-10-at-12.38.29-PM Biden Trolls Trump Over Coronavirus & Goes Viral Fast Corruption Featured Healthcare Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-03-10-at-12.38.44-PM Biden Trolls Trump Over Coronavirus & Goes Viral Fast Corruption Featured Healthcare Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-03-10-at-12.39.12-PM Biden Trolls Trump Over Coronavirus & Goes Viral Fast Corruption Featured Healthcare Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-03-10-at-12.39.58-PM Biden Trolls Trump Over Coronavirus & Goes Viral Fast Corruption Featured Healthcare Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-03-10-at-12.40.17-PM Biden Trolls Trump Over Coronavirus & Goes Viral Fast Corruption Featured Healthcare Politics Top Stories

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